Chapter 20...

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Endora POV

I woke up to the feeling of cold concrete and a rotten metallic smell BLOOD!!! I became silent so i could hear my baby's heartbeat i let out a breath i didn't realise i was holding he was Alive. I heard the sound of the door and saw the shadow of a muscular man. He approached me and said "oh you're awake Luna." Luna i wasn't in Charles's pack so why would they call me Luna. I tried to remember how i got here but it was all fuzzy i just couldnt remember anything. Few minutes later another man came saying the same thing as the first man. "Ah my precious luna is awake." "I'm not your f*****g luna." "Feisty i like it." Drake unlock the cell and take her to her room ask Haquihana to provide with whatever she needs as you see she's in a very delicate state." He gave a stiff nod and came to open cell he really didnt chain me seeing as i couldn't run with a large belly. He took me to a room with a kingsized bed with lots of baby stuff. "Erm......Drake who are these baby stuff for?" Maybe another pregnant wolf had been here. "Their for the pup Luna." Oh no their not charles will get me before this pup is even ready to pop out. Charles!!! I thought i needed to mindlink him but in order for me to do so i needed layla and i needed him to leave so if he thought i was his luna i just have to act like his luna for some time. I gave him a stiff nod and said "you may leave now and yes i am your luna nice to meet you Drake." He looked at me with a confused look not expecting me to give in so easily but smiled after and left.
    "Layla, layla."
      "I need to contact Charles."

I felt our mindlink open. "Charles, Charles."

Charles POV

"So as planned we some hours before midnight and attack once our formation is ma---" "Charles, Charles." That was Endora's voice "Endora." "Don't worry we're coming to get all i need you to do is stall them before we get there we'll be there two hours before midnight and attack once our formation is made. Ok?" "Yh." "Hows our baby?" "Good." I let out a sigh of relief  knowing at least they were all right." 


Few minutes later, the man that seemed to ne their alpha came. "Drake told me that you seem to have changed your mind. Now would you like to tell me what made you change your mind."  "Well you have more power and you're much more handsome than Charles so i thought why not go for the powerful one than stick with a wimp for the rest of my life." I'm sure my brain just puked after that speech. He was already grinning from ear to ear wow i really played him hard so this encouraged me to continue. "Now sweety if you wouldnt mind i would like to know your name." "Damien."
"Now Damien i would hate to stay in a room all day long." I had him wrapped around my finger.

Marco Pov

I didnt need to collect her powers anymore hell i didn't even want to become powerful anymore we would rule my pack equally and then we would become the most powerful pack in the world.
Day 2

This is the second day she was here and i hadn't gotten any time to rest i never expected her to be this troublesome i guess all she wolves were like that when they're pregnant. "DAMIEN!!!!!, DAMIEN!!!!!."  I got to her and put a sarcastic smile on my face "yes baby what would you like a foot massage, a head massage, some pepsi an i----" my head whipped to the side my face was stinging. "Sorry baby but you where rambling and that was the only way i could stop you now i would like to go out and get some milkshake." She kissed my cheek and wabbled to the car. "Now dont be long Damien you know how my cravings get." My eyes widened in fear, i know i wasnt supposed to be afraid but her cravings  were the worst if she didn't get what she wanted she started crying her voice was so high pitched it could break all the windows in the pack house then she'd start hitting me and scratching me telling me how it was my fault. I shuddered in fear. "DAMIEN!!!!!." I quickly scurried to the car and got in. "I'm so sorry babe i was thinking." "Dude think we should really return her she'll be the death of us." My wolf said  "True the she wolf in Nightrise pack is also powerful she's the next after her we might as well go take her." "When will you stop taking girls and wait for our mate." "Bullshit I've waited long enough." "I took a left turn and made my way to her mate's pack. "DAMIEN what do  you think you are doing." "Taking you back to where i brought you from."

Hi guys long time no see really love what Endora did there fustrated him till he had to return her good thing he'll find his mate at Charles's pack.

Pls don't forget to vote and comment the book is almost coming to an end but if you want a sequel let me know by putting your answers in the comment section or private chat me if you do not want people to know your opinion


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