Chapter 19

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Unknown POV

Today is the day we would finally get her the genes are showing her hair is slowly becoming silver it will fully become silver in the end of tonights full moon she will gain all her powers and I'll finally have it all to me the most powerful creature will be in my HANDS!!! Nate get her for me after this night you're free i must say your service to me was really appreciated. Mess up this night your mate gets it. "I still don't want to be betraying my pack and friend." I heard him mumble you said something he nodded his head just like i thought.


I was really in the mood for a walk this morning there wasn't much left to do we decorated most of the house yesterday so now I'm on a walk i took out my phone and played my best song  Savage by Jason Derulo.
    "Hey En."  Oh hey Nate  "I'm sorry En but i have to do it." Do what "hey but i didnt say anything." No you did you were like im sorry but i have to do it Do what?  "Kidnap you attack you duh she can't even hear me." Oh my Nate of course i can hear you and why would you want to kidnap me. "Darn it i really should stop talking in my mind you must be getting your powers."  He was getting closer now Nate stay back  He brought out an handkerchief while i kept on eyeing his hand Charles!!!! And then he pressed the handkerchief to my face and i blacked out.
   Charles POV

Charles!!! That was Endora but why would she  scream that loud. Gwen and Luca came barging in. "Dude did you hear that?" "Was that Endora."  "Luca i do not need your unnecessary questions i need my best trackers
and warriors we have no time to waste"  "We dont even know where she is." Gwen said confused.  :Oh i know where she or very much who took her Luca you remember the mole of the pack we couldnt find Dean from New Moon pack used their technology to help track him down."  "So who the f**** is it?"  "It's Nate."  "That fool, so like how on earth are we going to find him." Gwen said with rage.  "Dean found out yesterday before he left and attached a tracker to the car he always uses according to the CCTV cameras he's always out at night with that same car." "I will so rip his head off his f****** body and hang it as a souvenir."  Gwen said to the extent i was very much surprised  "Now that job is not for you to do Babe." "Whyyyyyy?"  And then they continued arguing while we were meant to be finding mate "GUYS!!! Gwen you will stay at the pack house with everyone anf if you disobey there will be severe consequences now Luca you will get me my  gamma to  look after the pack with Gwen." "Dude i can't leave her to protect the pack." Luca said almost whining  "she will have have her weapons with her make sure to take her to the Weapons room and give her a gun with silver bullets and teach how to use."  "Don't worry about teaching me i already know how to use one and my aiming is Perfetto."  "Dude but she'll get nightmares from killing people." "And who told you so, whoever I'll kill today won't be my first and definitely won't be my last."  "How do you even know how to anyway." I asked with a little bit of confusion
"I've been doing alot of practicing with that your gamma Erm what's his name? Oh yeah Rocco he taught me how to shoot and aim." Luca started growling but was cut off by Gwen. I was so shocked at what she said. "Oh shut up you were always busy don't you think i already thought of asking you Mr Alpha I'm out." and with that she left i would have been laughing but this situation was worse." "We leave 2 hours before midnight. Oh and after this we have to help the Queen Emily and king Roland find their long lost daughter." And witj that it all ended i was going to get my mate thanks to Dean and i was going to kill the f***** that took her


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