Chapter 9...

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"How  did she get here,please get her out  please you cant---- i heard a familiar groan which cut me of i ran to the other side of the cell just to Dean. "Oh my goddess Dean are you alright." "LET. THEM. OUT" I said with lot of power radiating from my voice surprisingly it worked the gaurds shakily opened the cells. "Oh my God Gwen how long have you guys been in here." "Ehnnn just a couple of hours or minutes I'm not really sure."

  Okay you can share my room while Dean gets another room.  "Arhem arhem i was in the cells to for a couple of hours or minutes." Dean said i just rolled my eyes at him and started walking with a limping Gwen.  "Awww where's the oh Dean i was so worried about you blah blah."  On our out of the cells i totally forgot that Charles was actually there i turned around to thank him but i met the Beta's Son instead. As if reading my mind he said  "He left to do some paper work I'll guide you back the name's Luca by the way I'm the Beta's Son if might say i met your beautiful friend earlier today she's quite a sight to watch you know." He said sending a wink her way which made her blush profusely. "Wait, wait whoa you guys cant be" she nodded her head confirming it.


She let out an ear piercing squeal oh my this is so embarassing. "Go on i ain't gonna walk you move on to him." She said moving me to his side. I landing on roughly making him hold my hand. I gasped as sparks erupted on my skin i quickly removed my hand and i heard a low growl i could tell he was annoying but he didnt show it.  He still slung his arm around my shoulders. It was was starting to get annoying so i  pushed him of. "Heyyy." Was all he said before he was about to put his hands all over. You really  don't know the meaning of personal space do you. "But I'm your ma---" i cut him off nuh uh you gotta earn it although I'm not denying the fact. He just smirked and i walked over to Endora before i melted.  "What are you doing here go back now" she said in a slight whisper. How about we plan something we make him earn our trust so he has about a week and a half before we our decision. "Ok ok i actually want to see what silly stuff he's going to do. Oh and we're here." I looked around to see we were the only ones and we were in front of a door yh of course a door. She opened the door to the room and i was extremely surprised there was a king sized bed with a wolf duvet and all i wanted to do was plop down on it and sink into it but there was something i wasn't quite familiar with. PINK!!!! I shrieked. "Whoa whoa I'm sure they put alot of work into this i couldnt rudely reject it anyways you don't even know what it feels like waking up to pink every morning so you better embrace your self into a world of pink." She said chuckling until she started laughing hard. Why are you laughing so hard. She made a gesture to my face and i immediately made my way to the mirror realising why she was laughing so hard my hair looked like a bird nest and my face looked like i just came back from a bomb blast. I need to take a shower I'll be right back i stormed off slightly embarrassed luca saw me like this. "Well I'm going to get Lunch." She said yelling as she got out of the room.

Charles POV

I was on my way to my office when i bumped into someone and immediately sparks erupted from our skin my wolf Xander started being a disturbance but i blocked him out she had a scent of vanilla and cookies it was very very  overwhelming. "Hello I'm sorry." she said in a shy tone im guessing she found out as well. Surprisingly it was Endora but how hadnt i found out i guess we hardly ever hung out. "Um hey i have to go now" she said scratching the back of her neck nervously. She ran out of my sight and i didnt even bother to catch her. On my way Luca joined. "Look like we both found our mates on the same day." Who told you that " A little birdie."  Whatever by the way how are the rogue cases.  "Sadly they're travelling at a very fast pace and in large numbers as well so I'd advice we keep the pups away from the woods, double the patrol and give higher shifts." He said looking stern. What's wrong.
  "My mate wants to earn my trust slowly so in other terms i have to impress her at all times." I burst out laughing difficult one ay.  " what's yours like." She's a shy when she found out but extremely sassy when she did not know.   "Feisty one ay." Was all he said before we both burst out laughing.


I forgot lunch anf ran to my room immediately after my encounter with Charles. I mey Gwen there already made herself comfy watching a movie i dont recognize.   "What's  wrong." She said worried. While panting i said i. Found. My. Mate.  Few minutes later, she burst out laughing "how about we test them both."  "Who is he anyway."  "The soon to be Alpha." " Why this is going to make this alot more fun." She said with a sly grin.  I guess so actually i know so Alpha's are usually extremely possessive and protective." This is going to be extremely Fun!!!


Hey guys so I'm going to write an authors note in a while dont forget to vote and coment.


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