Chapter 6

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"I couldn't even save my butt out there you saved me and Gwen and you expect us to go back there." Endora please don't make me go back there.


Dean you are my older brother you're meant to be the brave one as we continued discussing someone opened it was Gwen i wanted to throw her a hug but i paused when someone came from behind. Nate both Dean and i said at the same time. It had being a long time since  we last saw each other. "Hey chubbs i see you've slimmed down a lot." He said. I hated it when he called me that but i had to let maturity take over.
  He was still the same annoying seat partner he used to be.  Great now that you guys are here i can make this Fun. Gwen, Dean Nate and i are going to the shadow pack again but this is the first time for Nate. Nate i know you're confused and you never agreed about going to another packs territory but he cut me off " Chubbs that's my new pack" Our mouths hung in surprise.
  "Nate are you been serious." i said. I was surprised it was totally unexpected. He nodded in approval. Well I'm sorry but i have to go there is something that draws me too your pack and i have to find out and with you on our side it'll be easier to get in than sneaking in. " Ok but don't say i didnt tell you" he said i guess he was trying to scare me. "So what time do you guys leave?" Gwen asked eager to know its a pity she couldn't come she would have been the the best experience on the trip as my best friend. Same time as before everyone would be asleep by then remembering what Gwen said the last time.

Nate POV

We only had an hour before we left so we played twenty questions. "What was the moment you fell like a total fool." I asked Endora. "The moment i became fat." she replied with a shrug.
Everyone tried it was a total disaster we laughed and felt our stomachs harden we thought we would break. Then she asked hers.
"When did y'all get sense." She asked.
We immediately stopped seeing that she'd gotten angry. Then we replied her playingly "When you slapped us after chemistry pratical in Grd 10 cause we didn't help." "Good now its time to head off." She said and sped out of the window not waiting. "I still have to lead." i said almost shouting.
Just right when i was about to move i recieved a heavy smack at the back of my head which made me fall downwards until i hit the ground it was painful but it left as soon as it came. Just then Dean came down with a wide grin "that's for annoying my little sis." he said. but you laughed as well i said while standing up. "Well what can i say I'm her older brother and she directed the anger at you." he said classically walking away like some Model. "Hey GPS, come lead the way." he said obviously referring to me.
It wont take long we just have to take the next short cut by the left. When we reached there it was blocked surprisingly. I guess we have to go the long way then. "Why is it blocked?" Endora asked. You suggested a late time even if you suggested earlier there'd be gaurds on duty. "There weren't any when we were going the last time." That's because you all took a wrong route i snapped at her. "Hey watch it dont talk to her like that." Oh so you're gonna be a big babysitter now i said feeling my wolf Dan begging to take control. "What are you gonna do squeak peak." he said.
As i was about to reply i noticed something Endora hadn't interfered. "Oh so you're just gonna ke---" i cut him short and slowly signalled for him to follow me. He did as i said but when i realised none of this was going to be good."Where is she." Dean said whispering in a harsh way. We can't get her this night they took her. I said not wanting to lie and make it all worse. He grabbed my shirt, raised me to the level of his face, and said "you'd better tell your pack members to release my sister or you'll be hanging out in our pack dungeon playing twenty questions with the gaurds and if she's not back soon you'll be lost in your own mind not even your own wolf wouldn't  find you" he said giving me a threatening growl before dropping me on the ground landing butt first. "Lead me back." he said and left immediately.


The last thing i heard was Dean and Nate fighting but before i could interrupt someone injected me Wolfsbane! I heard my wolf say i immediately felt weak. I blacked out  only to wake up in a dungeon it was extremely cold but clean in the dungeon i wasn't strapped down or cuffed. I moved and touched the bars in order to call for attention unfortunately they were made of Silver i hissed as i retreated back to the shadows. Someone  opened the entrance to the dungeon i saw their shadow as they made their way to me. I saw a practically tall male with blonde hair and brown eyes . He made his way to my dungeon and opened it i was surprised i was pretty sure i hadn't even stayed 2 hours. "Hey are you alright sorry i had to prick you like that it was the only way to get you away without being seen My name's Charles I'm the son to the Alpha Troy and Luna Nia of shadow pack. I gasped in fear. I was not in the mood for a gist and now I'm in shadow pack i couldn't just place it all. He signalled for me to step out and i did. We walked to the dungeon doors and out. The place was beautiful it was painted dark grey and it had lots of shining chandeliers there were different pillars at different corners of the room . As i took my time to observe the place we reached a very grand staircase my mouth hung in surprise. We proceeded up the stairs and then reached a pair of large wooden doors. Before he opened them he said " please say yes to anything they ask you even if they are slightly awkward and please don't reject any of their offers its not in my place or position to explain to you andyou still haven't told me your name." I hesitated but still told him Endora New moon. He then pushed the two doors open and pulled me over to his parents Mum, Dad Endora of Newmoon pack. I bowed my head showing them a sign of respect they gave me a warm smile. "You're welcome hear anytime you are part of family." Luna Nia said. I furrowed my eyebrows at the thought of what she said. She let out a light chuckle and said "That will be explained to you when you are much more familiar to the pack and you still have a lot to get used to so you would be staying with us for a while so we would call your pack and tell them that you are safe and you are with us your pack and i are allies so they would understand especially your father."

Dean Pov

Endora had gone missing for two days and that fool of a friend hasn't come back from his pack i have a feeling he has a say in this he must have tricked us to the point of the shortcut and started a fight with me to distract me unpurpose. Urgh I'm such a fool i should have kept an eye on--- i was cut of by a knock on the door i rushed to the door and opened it her eyes were really swollen after crying day and night. " I came to inform you that the Alpha needs you in his office and you should also bring me along." She said in a sulky voice and turned around in a very sluggish manner and walked away while sniffing her sniffs had turned into hiccups. I hurried off behind as we got to my dad's office i knocked once and we both hurried in.  Surprisingly he was sitting down behind his desk and laughing he signalled us to sit down and we did. He ended his phone call. "Cheer up you two I've gotten some news on your sister and friend." I heard Gwen squeal with happiness. "She is with the shadow moon pack she's safe with them they've been one of our best allies and Alpha Troy and i have been best of friends but she would be staying with them for a while they need her for somethings i cannot yet tell you two about."


I was so happy that we found out her whereabouts but what exactly would they need her for. I had to find out my curiosity was getting over me but i couldn't take it. I went over to get Dean in the living room. Hey Dean can i talk. "Sure" he said patting on the couch beside him i sat down. You remember when Alpha said they needed Endora for some things. He nodded in response. I really think we should go to find out what they really need her for. "But how are we going to get in." Dean asked confused. We get arrested. I could see the confused look in Dean's eyes but i knew he was on my side and i knew what i was doing.

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