Chapter 18...

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Charles had gone to deal with pack stuff, Ashley and Asher where at Nia and Troy's so i was officially home alone. My hand rested on my swollen belly. I hadn't talked to Gwen and Dean in a while so i was going to meet them.


Yes is there trouble?

Nope, i would like to go to Gwen and Dean's

Sure you can leave.


I made my way over there and saw Dean and Gwen from afar. It looked like they were having a conversation more like fighting. I waddled my way over to them, Gwen caught a whiff of my scent and turned around her eyes travelled down to my belly and they widened. I guess i forgot to tell her. "Endora!!!!" Then she came crashing into me. "Oof, ow Gwen you didnt have to crash into me that hard." "Forget that why is your belly swollen." "We---"  she shut me up trying to listen for a second heartbeat and when she heard one she slowly stood abd started squealing about how she's going to be a Godmother. "How far along are you?" "Well I'm pratically seven months today." Then she started squealing again. "Hey douche bag come here." She said gesturing to Dean "Hi congratulations." "Thanks but guys i really need to sit my legs are killing me." So we sat down.
       "Guys i really need to tell you something." They nodded for me to go ahead. "Okay so while i was at the infirmary, i got attached to this two year old child named Ashley she has a twin Asher. So like their birth---" Gwen started squealing again. "Like i was saying their birthdays are tomorrow August 16th so i would like to plan i birthday party for them so i woupd like you guys to help. "Anything for my nephew" Dean said  "so we have to start preparation today." "Oh and we can do your baby shower along even though its a little bit late."  Gwen said "yh alright, c'mon we have to go to the mall."  "Oh and Endora i have to go back to our pack tomorrow morning early, I'm sorry i won't be able to attend their birthday party." Dean said sounding straight. He got in the Driver's side and i sat beside him Gwen at the back. "So I'm guessing Dad is ready to step down." He nodded
       On getting to the mall, i saw someone i never expected to see it was Nate. He was standing at the door of the mall it looked like he was guarding or something, he looked at me and smiled then his smile dropped when he saw my belly his mouth was agape. "What happened to you." He said gesturing to my stomach. "Well hello to you too Nate, so it all happened when i got to your pack i found out that your Alpha is my mate so i have adopted twins and a swollen belly, My twins birthday is tomorrow and my baby shower as well so you're invited and you better come."
"Well your service us my command Luna." He said smirking. "Please Nate its still Endora." As i walked away he yelled Luna i shaked my head still as annoying as ever.
   "Endora i found some!!!" Gwen yelled. I waddled over to her as usual." In the basket she had several baby blankets, bibs, suckers, bottles etc. "Gwen it's just a child not 24."  "Whatever, he or she is my nephew or neice i will spoil him or her the way i want. We still have to get carriers, toys then gifts for Asher and Ashley so come on we have a long way ahead of us." "Gwen you're not even his or her aunt." She gasped faking hurt then she burst out laughing. "I'm your Friend I'm their Aunt." She said sticking out her tongue.


After hours of shopping and walking we finally got to the food court eat and now we are walking down the streets to th3 car. I feeling i was being watched i just didn't know who or from where. We got home, Charles was still at his office i was too tired so i just made my way to my bathroom, did my business and had a shower during the shower i felt him move around guess he liked how warm it was. I moved to the mirror being  careful not to slip looking into the mirror i gasped at three things there was a note, my eyes where a light shade of blue and my hair was silver and long to my bottom i guess i really never focused on my looks. Looking closer to read the note it said

      I'll  see you soon Endora, also happy
       birthday to my nephew and niece.

I became really angry, whoever this is could be a threat to Ashley ,Asher and the one in my belly. I ripped the paper into shreads becoming very angry my vision became cloudy then it cleared again my eyes were silver just like my hair i calmed down and they became normal. Surprised i made mental note to check about it in the Library.

Hi  guys Endora is slowly finding out what she is. Hint: its a pity she's going to get kidnapped;) :)

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