Chapter 13...

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Dean pov

I was pacing around alot in my room thinking a lot of things. At some ppint i was afraid I'd wear a path into the ground i kept thinking Until i was disrupted by a large bang. My door just freaking flung open and by the freaking Beta i would've have punished him if it was my pack but i stayed shut and glared daggers at him.
   "Chill man we need all the strength we can get and seeing as you are the soon to be Alpha of your pack i figured you'd be of great help and by the way the name's Luca." He said smirking.
"Oooookay but what's the problem you could probably need me for." I said sounding confused. "Okay let's discuss this while we walk down to the meeting hall. So a group of rogues have crossed the border our best warriors have fought them off but the only problem is how they figured to go past the barriers." He said "So you are suggesting there's a mole in the pack and until we find this mole your pack's security is at ri__ " i was cut off by three high pitched screams. " Oh nooo this is badddd real bad come on lets go." We followed the sound of the scream and it lead to the sitting room we burst the door open and i gasped at what in sight there was blood but i didnt know where it was from. Gwen was curled in a ball mumbling nonsense and luca was saying soothing words. Endora i couldnt see her anywhere then i started searching frantically for her then Gwen still not saying anything pointed to the back of the couch. Slowly making my way there u saw Endora lying there unconscious beside her was her thong and there were bruises and deep gashes all over her stomach i carried her immediately. "Luca luca get the hell over here and direct me to the infirmary." I said practically yelling at the top of my voice. He helped Gwen up and at the sight of her friend she broke down again. We got to the infirmary and she was immediately wheeled into emergency.

Charles POV
A high pitched scream was all it took before i dashed out of the damn meeting and to the sitting room. Immediately i got there i was  meeting with a completely empty room until i heard a voice a familiar one saying "They're in the infirmary." I immeditely bolted out yelling a thanks Mum. Getting to the infirmary i was met with A sobbing Gwen and sage, and an expression less Dean Luca, Rocco and Xavier but no Endora. Then  i started to panick i made my way over to Luca who was comforting Gwen.
"Dude where's Endora where is she man?"  "I think you should ask her brother he's in much of a better place to explain to you than i am besides i got to stay with she's in shock."  I nodded stiffly and sat beside Dean. "Man can please explain what happened?" "Yeah sure but I'll only say the details of what i saw. When we got there, there was a lot of blood, Gwen was in shock and i couldnt find Endora then Gwen pointed to the back of the couch i made my way there seeing her thong  beside her it was obvious she was raped there wer deep gashes in her stomach and lots of  mishandling bruises and also she's in there probably on the verge of death." He ended his summary pointing at a surgery door. I was pretty sure my eyes were pitch black and i was shaking. "I swear i am going f****** rip his balls and suffocate him with them. Rip out his intestines and rap them around his neck and deliver him to his family express mail.
  Immediately i was done the doctor came out. "Doctor scott how is she is she stable, please tell me she is okay say something!!!" "Well i was about to before  you dump your questions on me. So she is stable, everything is okay buy I'm afraid she's going to be scarred mentally so she is likely to wake in a shock apart from that she's fine and you may all go see her.
     I didnt even wait for her to finish before i dashed into the room when i got there she was awake staring at the white ceiling i went beside her and as i got closer her head whipped to my direction her eyes widened and she began screaming i tried to calm her but it became immensely louder as she screamed she stood from the bed and retreated to a far corner of the room pulled her knees to her chest and started rocking herself at some she started mumbling some words and started clawing at her skin as if to remove something then she started to scratch and scratch as if to remove a stain when her skin started to turn red i decided to call for help. "Gwen, Sage any woman please come here."  Like lightning speed Sage, Gwen and My Mom where there.
   "Whats wrong dear." Then she looked at  Endora "oh my" she said slowly making her way over to her and sitting beside her then hugging her and holding her hands to prevent her from scratching and clawing surprisingly she didn't flinch or scream. I guess i only happened when men got close to her or touched. They'd stood up were already making their to the bed so i backed away as i watched my mate in distress I felt a pang of sorrow in my heart as if a little part of her had left me right then right there i knew she was going to be mentally scarred for the rest of her life. I looked at her and she was now in her previous spot earlier lying straight hands by her side staring into the ceiling and kept mumbling the same words "Danger, Danger,Danger".
Before we left the doctor had bandaged her hand and put it by her side. My mom my was about to get up and leave when she grabbed her hand and shook her head indicating for her not to leave. "Well i guess i be spending the night here." My mom said while chuckling. Great my once fearless mate was now a wimp who needed someone to stay by her side at night. My wolf growled at me.
           Our mate isn't a  wimp she just time to her self and away from men including us so we have to support and stand by her. Okayy!!
           Yes sireee  i said chuckling internally

She was already asleep and everyone had left the room apart from my mom who had to be with her. I left giving my mom a kiss on her cheeks afraid to do the same to Endora hoping she wouldn't wake and scream. I left the room hoping Endora would be better soon. Although the incident would be forever carved into her memory i glanced back and saw a  strand  of hair thats silver and longer than the rest but i just ignored it and left.

Hello everyone  i feel so sorry for  Endora she really doesn't  deserve any  that but  do you think it has to do with  who she really is ? Do you think the rogues  have found out who she  even before she has a clue? Who do you think is the mole?
    Also guys  i know i might have kinda said i was stopping in chapter 10 but i was so caught up so i decided to release on more chapter which turned into two so im not stopping at all because writing keeps me busy.
  I really hope you guys vote and comment on my story

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