Chapter 5

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As i proceeded up the stairs to my room the door seemed to be broken. I was confused then Dean mind linked an I'm sorry .Obviously he couldn't face me cause i was going to give him a death blow. I got dad to fix the door anyway. For some reason we always had spare doors at home.
I layed down to get some sleep and drifted off  not realizing when. I opened my eyes only to meet my self at the forest that we were in earlier was this a dream , what was i doing back here i thought to myself. I turned around to see something spectacular it was shining bright its grey fur was shimmering in the moonlight and its dark eyes were shining as bright as a chandelier. The legends were true  they showed themselves only on a fullmoon and attacked only those without a pure heart surprisingly it kept moving closer as if trying to observe something just then i heard a knock my dream had ended. The person opened the door of course who else would it be Caleb. "Morning sunshine." he said. "Dont call me that." i said growling at him. "Ok ok no fuss ur training starts in 2 as in 2 minutes you wouldn't want to be late" he said and "what if i am" i said emphasising on the word i. "Your father had made it clear that if you were you'd have to run round the training field for about 20 minutes and that would be very bad."  he said looking very mean.

She was totally being annoying and the only way to get her off my nerves was to lie to her. She ran out of bed almost jumping to her bathroom. I let a small chuckle as i left the room. As i went down the stairs i bumped into someone it was Alpha Jaxon. My apologies sir i said showing a little bit of respect. "No worries you couldn't have done it unpurpose" Thank you sir i said bowing my head in respect. Morning dad was all i heard before she zoomed past me her hair slapping my eye. I let out a low growl remembering that i was the Beta to an Alpha  and he was beside me so i had to prove strong. I heard her let out a small chuckle i was sure that she had done that on purpose.


I woke up to a bunch of fluorescent lights shining in my eyes, white walls, white sheets, white curtains and white ceilings. Why was everything around me white was i dead as i thought to my self someone peeped in through the door it was Dean and the doctor. She's awake i heard Dean say. I tried raising my head but i felt this throb at the back of my head then i remembered Endora , rogues escape ,shadow pack we were attacked. I turned to Dean asking where is Endora, is she injured, is she in coma, or worse pls tell me she's alive. This is all my fault i started to cry and whimper at the same time we should have never gone there. "Gwen she's ok she wasnt injured she didn't even get a single scratch" i heard him say while laughing. I sighed in relief i didn't lose my best friend after all. "Okay that's enough and Dean you can leave now." i heard the doctor say. Dean i called him back making him turn you really did kick their butts didnt you he nodded leaving the room as soon as he could that was pretty strange i said to myself. Doc when am i getting discharged i said. "Tomorrow morning after your wounds have healed completely."  Oh my i couldnt last too long in this place well i lasted a day a few more hours couldn't hurt.


I knew it wasnt me it reminded me of what Endora had done that night she seemed more powerful than usual she was stronger and bigger i needed to ask her i got into the car and drove of in high speed. I got home not quite long it was just an hour and a half drive from the hospital to the pack house. Endora and Caleb never seemed to get along so i guess her training ended earlier. I rushed up the stairs to her room curious to know what and how she had done what she did i barged into her room and met putting on her shirt she had just taken a shower i could tell by the water dripping from her hair. Hey can i ask you a question i said in a cool tone not wanting to make her suspicious. She sat at the edge of her bed and i started the conversation. Your wolf transformation you were bigger and stronger than any other normal wolf what was that. Then she replied saying "you really want to know what that was. are you sure?" i nodded quickly as a sign of curiosity and she replied with an annoying answer  "well i dont even know myself i just know that they are dangerous and i learnt to control them ever since i found out but i could tell you about it." Sure start i said " I could throw a punch 2ox harder than any other wolf sending them through 10 walls straight but it determines on the type of energy force i use. As you saw the other night i could heal any injury as long as they weren't too deep. I dont know whether you noticed but i can withstand any pain hits and other type of things that had to do with pain for a long period of time. Surprisingly i also have the power to make ones body temperature extremely low so in essence i can kill if i want to." She said as if narrating her life history.
  So who else knows about this. "Well only Gwen and Nate know they both helped me practice." She said dragging the well as if not sure. Nate was her other friend apart from Gwen. They parted ways when they graduated high school. "Dean we have to go back to the shadow pack territory on the next full moon." You're joking right i asked with my voice trembling at the fact that we had to go back there where we almost got killed. She looked me dead in the eye and replied me with a more stern voice showing seriousness "No I'm not."

Hi guys what do you think Endora is and is she ever going to find out where her real pack is. Drop your comments below.

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