Chapter 22....

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Endora pov

I screamed as another wave of contraction this wasnt what i expected and it was all because of him. "This is all your fault you just couldnt keep it in uh." " i know, i know."  I Laid down on the best as another one hit i grabbed Charles by collar and said it real slow and low. "Get the f****** doctor over here."
   Finally the doctor arrived, He told me spread my legs wide open charles growled. And i slapped him across the face. "Let him what he needs to do."  It ended with whine.  "okay on the count of three you give me three big pushes."  I did the first push, the  second but i was too tired to do the third i shook my head."I cant do it." "Yes you can, youre the strongest woman ive ever known." with that i gave it one last push then i heard the cutest cry ever. "Do you want to hold him?"
  I nodded my head vigorously, collecting his tiny figure i kissed his cheek and he cooed at me forming an "o" with his mouth. Just then sage, Damien, Rocco and xavier came in with Asher and Ashley. "Aha Rocco you owe me 5000 bucks i told you it was going to be a boy." Xavier said. And Rocco had a scowl on his face. looking at Charles i said "do you want to hold him?" He was looking  with a face that said what if i drop him. I stretched my hand to him with the baby in it he took her and gazed down at her in adoration. "So what is his name." Sage said  "Connor Alexander Shadow." i said with the largest largest grin i could ever have on my face.

" i said with the largest largest grin i could ever have on my face

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