Chapter 17...

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I'm at least a month far and already have a bad craving for cereals and Coca cola. Weird i know, Charles became this overprotective duffus, he'd go for his pack work but that didn't stop him from calling me every 2 seconds and its was really starting to annoy me. "Momma." Ashley and Asher cut off my train of thoughts.

"Yes my babies what do you want."

"Can we go to the park pweaseeee."

"Of course but we have to come back soon so daddy doesnt get worried."

"Can Ryan come as well."


I grabbed my car keys and made my way to the car. We stopped over at Nia and Troy's house to pick up Ryan.

"Hi Nia, i hope you don't mind if i take Ryan."

"Of course not Mrs Willow isn't here at the moment but I'm sure she wouldnt mind. If i may ask, where are you all off to."

"Asher and Ashley asked to go to the park so that's where we're going."

"Well i will come. I won't have you handling three children in this state."

"It really isn't necessa---" i sighed in defeat. She was already making her way to the car with them. I got in front and drove off. We got there really fast and just when the children were about to run away i brought them back. "Now listen to me you just have 30 minutes and you have to be in my sight at all times you wouldn't want momma to be searching now would you?" They nodded and left.
    I found a nearby bench and sat Nia following i closed my eyes and allowed the wind play with my hair and listened to the birds chirp.

"Endora can you hear me? Are you okay?"

"Yes Charles I'm okay."

"Where are you? I came home and no-one was there."

"We went to the park. We'll be back soon."

He growled wait hold on he growled

"I thought i told you not to leave without telling me or Luca ."

"Charles the last thing i expected you to do was yell at me. Oh and your mom's with me."  I said on the verge of tears. f*****g pregnancy hormones. I cut off the link before he could say anything else. I tried to blink my tears away but they ended up falling. "Are you okay?" Nia asked. "Charles snapped at me cause i didn't tell him before i left, and then the pregnancy hormones made me cry which wasnt something I'd normally do." Ohhh my Goddess i was about to cry again
  "Teach him a lesson he shouldn't have done that." Confused at what Nia said i asked "How am i supposed to do that i cant wack like a child he's not now can i?" She  chuckled. "No dear, you ignore him for about a day or two he'll learn by the end. " I laughed and nodded in agreement. I looked at the time and it was time to go. I looked over to where they were but they weren't there anymore so i used my wolf's vision and saw them further into the park. I went to get them. When i got closer, Ashley was sitting on a rock and she looked like she was talking to someone but there wasn't really anyone with her then it clicked in my head childish imagination i went to pick her up and called Ryan and Asher. "C'mon guys its time to go." They all pouted but still went ahead and made their way to the sky it was all ready sunset. I looked into the forest and saw that same guy i saw when Gwen Dean and i tried to sneak into shadow pack. His teeth were out and glimmering and his silver hair would have shone in the moonlight if it were to be out. He disappeared and i decided to forget it as well.
     We got home pretty late, so the children made their way to bed, i took a simple cereal and made my way to bed. When i got in, Charles was there typing something on his laptop he looked up and saw he greeted me but i didnt say anything. I changed into my shorts and crop top and went to bed. "I'm sorry Endora. I just got all worked up." I still didnt utter a word and went to sleep with my wolf screaming and clawing at the walls of my head to say something." Soon i drifted into darkness.
    I woke and it was very bright, i turned around to see a woman wearing white she turned and smiled at me. I gasped it was selene the moon goddess.
    "I brought you here for a reason child,
the baby in your stomach will bring balance to the werewolf race when the time is right. He shall be blessed with three special powers. Now whatever is said or told must not be told to anyone in your family. I will give you this bracelet. It will be used to conceal his powers. You shall give it to him as a gift on the day of his first shift. Now remember this last thing, he must wear it at all times to keep his Aura on a low level. If it is off a his aura is felt amongst all wolves he may get into wrong hands. He must start training immediately he can walk be careful because when all that is left is his pride the evil in his mide becomes wide
    When all is balanced all creations shall be well. When all is wrecked they shall face hell. If there is a wail on the night of the blood moon then nothing but evil shall prevail.

Her words rang in my head i looked down in my hand to see a golden bracelet with a wolf on the front. I quickly stood up and made my way to the safe and opened it with a spell. Lupusitum alcredo. And then it opened. I closed it and recited the spell. Alcredo lupusitum.
    I rubbed my tummy and felt him move i had a strong feeling it was going to be a boy.

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