Chapter 16...

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Charles POV

I woke up to meet Endora's side of the bed neat. I checked the bathroom and she wasn't there, i was really starting to get worried so i made my way downstairs and smelt bacon. I looked into the kitchen to see a very fine and okay Endora cooking a mouth watering bacon.
I wrapped my hand around her waist and she jumped slightly before relaxing into me " How are you princess." "Sore but fine." Was all she said. "I'll go get the twins and we'll go to the park."
I got there and only Asher was on his bed and Ashely wasnt there. I started searching frantically for her but didn't see her anywhere.
I picked Asher up not knowing what i was going to tell Endora. I quickly made my way downstairs. "Dada where is Ashwey."
"I don't know son but all i know is we have to be strong for her. Okay?" He nodded and rested his head on my shoulder. Getting downstairs i put Asher down in front of his toys and cautiously made my way Endora. She was lost on her own thought staring of and flinched when i placed my hand on her shoulder sitting down next her about to disturb her already disturbed mind. "Endora i need to tell you something and you need to promise me not to freak out, scream or panic."
Dude she's gonna freak out for sure
Shut up!
"Okay." was all she said. I cleared my face of any emotions and looked straight into her eyes holding her hands and said " Ashley is not in this house or quarters and she's been taken." She stared at me for a very long time before she burst out laughing soo hard that she was clutching her stomach trying to catch her breath. "Erm Endora did you hear i said---" "I heard what you said Charles, Ashley is not missing she's with Nia and Troy. She was the only one awake and they wanted to see them both but Asher was asleep at the time so they took her and i said i would bring him later. Well it's nice to finally see that fatherly side of you." She then stood up kissed my cheek and went on to grab Asher. "Come on Asher time to go see grandma and grandpa." He clapped his hands in excitement while she was balancing him on her hip. I grabbed my car keys and made my way out of the house and into the car. On our way to the house Endora kept poking me i parked. "What is it." "Are you angry." "I just unhappy that you didnt ask before you took her and also during this time that guy my parents obviously can't fight him off. Anyways i can stay mad at you can i ?" "No you can't, im tolerable." And then we burst out laughing "of course you are."
We arrived at my parents house and it was eerily quiet. "Nia, Troy, Ashley."
"BOO!!!" Endora screamed so loud i was afraid my ears would bleed. "We're so sorry it was Ashley idea." My mom said
"Hi momma." "Hi darling how was your time here." "Momma can i have Asher." "Of course Asher go play with your sister."

Three weeks later


We all sat down at the table, Charles was talking with his dad about pack stuff and all. I was talking with Nia . We've been visiting them a lot lately because Asher and Ashley made a friend named Ryan so they always want to play and visit. Nia was saying something but i was no longer focusing. Lately, I've been having thr urge to throw up. I could feel it rising until----. It all came out. "Oh my Endora are you okay." Nia said. I couldnt reply i slowly drifting into darkness. I heard Charles's voice but i couldn't make out what he was saying. I was already out.

When i woke it was all white at first, the lights where way too bright. "She's awake." I heard someone but i didnt know who it was. I peeled my eyes open for thr second time but it wad better i sat up and went to rub my head but there was a bandage and it hurt a little. "Are you okay." I looked to my right, charles was grinning as wide as a Cheshire cat. "What's wrong why are you grinning this wide."

"Okay Endora dont freak out it isn't a big deal but dont freak out.

"Okayyy but what is it."

"Endora you're a mom."

"Uhm i know I'm a mom of Asher and Ashley remember."

"Noooo i mean you're pregnant."

Right there and then i froze. I was pregnant. There was a child in me, growing. "I dont know what to say." tears started to well up in my eyes and they fell but they were from joy. I hugged him and instinctively put my hand on my stomach.
I leaned back and pouted. "What's wrong princess?" "I'm going to get all round and big and fat." And then we burst out laughing. We were happy now but i had a feeling it would last longer

Hi guys long time no see, yayy Endora is going to be a momma again.

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