Chapter 1: Off To Neverland!

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Years ago, a blue haired boy wanted to be a kid forever.

But nothing bad had fallen upon him to wish for this. He just thought that being an adult would be hard for him.

After all, some kids just wanna stay kids, don't they?

He was in his bed one night, as any child should be. However, he just couldn't sleep no matter what he did.

So he got out of bed and he walked over to his big, two parted window in his room and opened it, looking out at the starry night sky before him.

He looked away from the night sky and sighed as he closed his eyes.

"I'm gonna be a teenager soon....I wanna stay a kid." He says with a sigh as he looks out towards the sky again.

"What was I supposed to expect when I looked out towards the sky again? A fairy or pixie would come down from somewhere and greet me? No way. Fairies and pixies don't exist." He says with a sigh as he turned away from his window.

He started climbing back into bed, his back turned to the window until he remembered he left his two parted window open.

"Oh, right! My window!" He said as he got off his bed and turned around.

When he walked over to the window, he noticed a bright yellow ball of light glowing between it.

The boy blinked in confusion as he walked closer to the glowing yellow ball.

When he got close enough, he noticed that it wasn't a bright, glowing ball, but was instead a fairy, or pixie.

He rubbed his eyes. When he finished, he was expecting the small creature to be gone, but it was still there.

"What the!? No, no, I'm just seeing things. You're not real. You can't be!" He says as he backs up from the window. The small pixie flies over to him.

"If I'm not here, how am I in front of you, and how did I not disappear when you rubbed your eyes? You were expecting me to go away, weren't you?" She asks.

The small pixie wore a small green dress that curled a little around her legs near the end with some white here and there and had blue eyes. She had blonde hair up in a ponytail and had it secured by a puffy white bow that almost looked like a flower.

Oh, and she also had wings on her back.

"Yeah, I why are you here?"

The pixie smiled and tilted her head to the side, her hands behind her back.

"Why, to take you with me to Neverland, of course!" She said.

"Huh!? Neverland!? But that doesn't's only in Peter Pan!" The blue haired boy said.

The pixie held out her small hand as if beckoning the boy to come with her.

"What's your name? I'm Rin, but some people call be Tinkerbell, even Rinkerbell!" The pixie, now known as Rin, said to the boy.

"I'm KAITO." The boy said.

"Not anymore! Now you're Peter Pan!" She said as she began tugging on the boy's finger.

KAITO wiggled his finger and Rin's hands were released from it. He looked at her, the window behind her, the door behind him, and then at Rin again.

He walked over to his open window as he looked at the small pixie next to him.

"Well, I don't wanna grow up anyway..." He says as he looks outside. He sighs and looks at the pixie, but realized she was over his head.

She began to dance and yellow dust began to fall off around her. Pixie dust.

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