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Mygeeto: 19 BBY
Location N/A

Snow sprayed as the heavy cannons fired. Jess rolled, the blast narrowly missing him. He popped back up again, blaster firing at the oncoming droids. Commander Bacara appeared beside him, tossing a droid popper.

"Enjoying yourself?" The commander shouted.

"Oh, yes, Sir. This is more action than we ever got on Kamino!" Jess replied. He ducked beneath a shot and launched a grenade. Bacara blasted it as it reached a tank. The whole thing exploded into light and shrapnel.

Bacara ducked behind a fallen walker as his wrist comm started beeping. Jess dropped down beside him, firing at the droids. He could barely make out what the commander was saying over the roar of the droids.

"The droids are retreating," Bacara reported, standing again. He blasted a droid before continuing. "General Mundi is leading the charge. Come on. Let's give him some support."

Jess nodded and broke into a sprint behind Bacara. The rest of the squad followed them, blasters steaming in the frigid air. Snow and dirt sprayed everywhere as the retreating droids laid down some cover fire. Jess fell back a short distance as they reached the general. The Cerean Jedi was slicing his lightsaber through droid after droid.

Jess fell in beside Bacara, firing at the droids. General Mundi was still racing on ahead. His comm crackled with static for a moment. Jess banged on the side of his helmet, clearing it up. "Execute Order 66," a rasping voice demanded. A dull headache formed in his temples. Jess lifted his gaze towards General Mundi.

"Yes, my Lord," he said. Jess glanced to his side where Bacara was. The commander nodded to him and waved the troops forward. They chased after the general. General Mundi let out a shout, charging towards the fleeing droids. Bacara raised his fist and they halted, aiming their blasters.

General Mundi turned, a look of confusion crossing his face. "Open fire!" Commander Bacara ordered. Jess's blaster lit up with fire as he obeyed. General Mundi rapidly deflected the shots. Two of them came streaking back towards him. The first knocked his helmet off. The second seared through his cheek. Jess hit the snow, but kept firing. General Mundi convulsed as a few of the blasts hit home. They kept firing, even as his body fell to the ground.

At last, Bacara raised a fist and they ceased firing. "The general is dead," Bacara said. "We need to hold our position until new orders come in."

Jess's breathing evened out again as he knelt in the snow. He stared at General Mundi's unmoving body, horror worming its way into his mind. "Hey." He glanced up, seeing Ram leaning over him. "Come on. You should get that checked out."

Jess nodded and grabbed his helmet. Ram pulled him to his feet and led him towards the others. Jess took one look back at the fallen Jedi, before bracing himself.

Two days passed before they received any new orders. Jess joined Bacara and a few others around a large holotable. It lit up with the latest news feed. "The Chancellor has dissolved the Republic. He is now the Emperor of the Galactic Empire," Bacara said.

"So what happens to us? The war is over," Jess pointed out.

"The newest units will report back to Kamino for the time being," the commander replied. "As for the rest of us, I'm not sure what will happen." He switched the holotable back off as the others dispersed. Jess hesitated for a moment. "You have something else to say?"

"I don't understand what the Jedi did to deserve this," Jess said slowly. He raised a hand to his head. The dull headache had remained for a few days now.

Bacara narrowed his eyes. "Don't talk like that around anyone else. You know as much as we do. The Jedi were corrupt and tried to take over the Senate. Why do you keep bringing this up?"

"It feels wrong. The Jedi were our generals. How could we have turned on them like that?" Jess protested.

"They betrayed us! We serve the Republic, not the Jedi."

"From what I just heard, it doesn't sound like there is a Republic anymore."

"You better knock that attitude before you get back to Kamino," Bacara warned. "Things are changing now, Jess. I don't have all the answers. You need to go meet up with your squad. You'll leave for Kamino soon."

"Yes, Sir." Jess placed his helmet on without another word.

Kamino: 19 BBY
Kaminoan Cloning Facility

Jess stood in the line along with his brothers. Someone new was overseeing the production of clones. There had even been rumors that there would be no more clones. As soon as the squad had returned to Kamino, they had been fitted with new armor.

Jess had his new helmet tucked beneath his arm, as did everyone else. His old armor had been moved into a crate for storage. He wouldn't be leaving it behind, no matter where he was sent. Prime Minister Llama Su entered the room, accompanied by a black monstrosity. The warrior surveyed them coolly, his breathing echoing through the room.

"Troopers, you have been given a great honor," Llama Su began. "Our Emperor has need of your services still. You are to become the first stormtroopers. You will keep the peace of this new Empire. It is your job to execute the Emperor's vision flawlessly and stop anyone who might stand in the way. Do not disappoint me." He waved a hand and one by one, the clones placed their new helmets on.

Jess swallowed as he slid his on as well. He was no longer a clone in the Grand Army of the Republic. Now, he was a stormtrooper for the Empire.

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