Pirate's Keep

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Florrum: 13 BBY
"Broken Remnant"
Ryn Alera

They had been in the Florrum system for several days now, floating between the several planets. Ryn had finally decided on the name of the ship. They had called it "Broken Remnant" or "Remnant" for short. Ryn rolled over on her bunk, unable to sleep. She clasped her necklace, feeling the warm crystal. Jess's breath was deep and even below her.

With half a grin, Ryn swung her head over the edge of the bunk, watching him. Her lekku hung around her face and she pushed it away, annoyed. Even after weeks of traveling with him, she still didn't know as much about her clone companion as she'd like to. As if sensing her gaze on him, Jess blinked his eyes open.

He arched an eyebrow curiously. "What are you doing?"

"Watching you." She flipped back onto her bunk and hung her feet over the edge. Jess's head appeared beneath her feet.

"You are strange," he laughed as he stood. "We need to check Florrum for some work today."

"I thought that was a last resort."

"It is. We'll steer clear of the larger pirate operations if we can." He strapped his chest plate on and slid his blasters into their spots.

Ryn jumped off her bunk and pulled her boots on quickly. "And if they don't need smugglers?"

Jess shrugged. "I guess we'll find out."

They headed into the cockpit and took their seats. Ryn flew towards the large planet. Several Corona-class frigates hovered around the planet. None tried to hail them even as they entered the atmosphere. Jess glanced at her, a hint of concern in his brown eyes.

"Are you sure you're all right with handling pirates?" He asked. "The majority of the population on this planet are Weequays but I know they do business with slavers."

Ryn stiffened and kept her gaze trained forward. "Yeah, I'll be fine."

"We can find somewhere else," he began. He placed a gentle hand on her arm. Ryn flinched and pulled away.

"No, this was my idea anyway. It's fine," she said sharply. Jess's gaze fell and he nodded slowly.

"All right," was all he said.

Ryn felt a prickle of guilt but pushed it away. It's not his fault, but I've told him not to touch me plenty of times. A second thought rose, along with more guilt. Of course, I've never told him why. She shook herself out of her thoughts as they cleared the atmosphere.

The outline of a town appeared in the distance. She headed for it wordlessly. They landed just beyond the city limits. Ryn jumped off the ship and tucked her necklace beneath her clothes. Jess pressed a few buttons on his wrist cuff and the boarding ramp closed and sealed with a hiss. They started off towards the town quickly. Jess threw his helmet on as they reached the streets.

    A variety of people wandered through the several buildings and vendor carts. Ryn narrowed her eyes, spying a few Zygerrians among the crowd. They returned her skeptical gaze, but showed no signs of recognition. One of the vendors close by flagged them down. Jess paused beside the cart.

    "Can we help you?" He asked.

    "No, but I think I can help you," the Weequay replied, scrubbing at a piece of merchandise. "Most off worlders come here for work. If that's what you're after, you should go see Ryke Altor." He jerked his head towards a ship close by.

    Jess inclined his head and moved away from the vendor. Ryn fell in step beside him. "Do you think we should?" She asked.

    "We can check it out at least," Jess shrugged.

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