Internal Fears

598 27 5

Yavin 4: 12 BBY
"Broken Remnant"
Ryn Alera

    Sights and sounds drifted past her. Ryn backed away from the mob that continued to grow. Faces both familiar and foreign filled the room.

    "Get to work, Slave."

    "Dance for us!"

    "Don't upset your masters!'

    Ryn gripped her montrals, trying to shut the voices out of her head. She screwed her eyes shut, doubling over. A gentle hand lifted her chin. Ryn let out a sigh of relief, coming face to face with Jess.

    "We've got to get out of here," Ryn panted.

    Jess's hand fell to her arm. She knit her brows, confused. Suddenly, his grasp tightened painfully. Ryn pulled against him, but couldn't get loose.

    "Jess, let go!" She pleaded. Blood fell from beneath his fingertips. "You're hurting me!"

    "Learn your place, Slave," he sneered.

    Ryn's eyes widened as he threw her back to the ground. The mob looked closer, surrounding her. She could feel the air begin to fill up, strangling her. Electricity stung her neck, reducing her breath even more. There was no space, no breath, no...

    She jumped awake in her bunk, a cold sweat streaming down her back. Her hand flew to her neck for a brief minute, then drifted down to her necklace. Ryn scrubbed at her face, willing the images away. She hadn't had nightmares like that since she escaped Kadavo. Briefly, she wondered if she'd woke Jess.

Ryn leaned over the edge of her bunk. He was still soundly sleeping. She let out a small sigh and quickly slid off her bunk. Ryn snuck out of the cabin and into the cargo hold. Azie was plugged into a wall nearby, recharging. His lights flickered on and he whirred curiously.

    "I'm ok, Azie. I just had a bad dream." He chirped again. "No, don't worry. You can power down again." He whistled before his lights dimmed again.

    Ryn stepped out onto the boarding ramp and sat down. A cool night breeze drifted past her. On the horizon, the faint sliver of a sun was beginning to appear. There was still at least an hour of night left, she figured. Already, several officers were running about the courtyard.

    In the months that they had been with the Rebellion, their missions had steadily become numerous. Finally, Senator Mon Mothma had gave Admiral Raddus the order to pull his fleet out. They would be leaving soon. General Draven had given Cassian permission to come with them and gain some more experience. Ryn was certain that Feylin would be excited about that.

    The crystal around her neck flared with warmth. Ryn wrapped her hand around it, still thinking. It flared again, then again. The warmth grew steadily. She dropped the crystal with a hiss as it burned her hand. "What in the world?" She whispered.

    She felt a gentle tug pulling her back inside the ship. Ryn narrowed her eyes suspiciously but relented and followed it. She tiptoed past Azie, being careful not to wake him. The pull led her back into the cabin. The crystal flared once beside Jess, then cooled off again.

    Ryn dropped to her knees beside his bunk, watching him. Nothing seemed amiss. Gently, she smoothed some dark wavy hair off of his forehead. He shifted in his sleep, a small sound escaping his lips. Ryn tilted her head as a tear trickled down his cheek.

    I wonder if he's dreaming? She thought. His breath was short and fast. Ryn leaned over him, her thumb brushing over his scar. Jess's eyes flew open and he grabbed her hand.

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