Friends Turned Enemies

609 31 13

Kashyyyk: 12 BBY
Imperial Fuel Refinery
Ryn Alera

Ryn leaned over the control panel and gently deactivated the hyperdrive. They dropped out before a beautiful blue and green planet. Feylin's eyes widened at the sight of it. "It's beautiful!" She murmured.

"It is. It's also dangerous."

"Because of the Empire?"

"Partially." Ryn rested her head in her chin as they drifted towards the planet's atmosphere. "I've heard stories about Wookiees. They're strong enough to tear your arms out of their sockets. I've only met one and he was still plenty scary. There's plenty of other animals here that are even more dangerous. The Wookiees are furious at the Empire and if we're not careful, we might be mistaken for them."

"I'll...keep that in mind," Fey said hesitantly. She shook the nervousness away. "How are we going to get the fuel?"

Ryn pulled up a projection of the refinery. Several gun turrets were mounted above the buildings. "Those might be a problem," she said, mostly to herself. "The fuel will be highly explosive so any disruption could blow us to pieces."

"Well, we can't fly in with guns blazing, then." Feylin tapped a finger on her chin. "What if we pretend to be the delivery crew?"

"Do you think they'll actually buy it?"

"No but it's better than nothing."

"True." Another thought came to her, suddenly. Ryn's eyes lit up and she jumped to her feet. "Take us down. I've got something that will help us out." Feylin shrugged and took over the controls.

Ryn sprinted back to the cabin and began rummaging through the shelves and drawers. "Come on, Jess. Where did you put it?" She hissed. Her fingers jammed against an object. Ryn pulled it out with a triumphant cry.

She returned to the cockpit just as they cleared the atmosphere. "What is that?" Fey asked, arching an eyebrow.

Ryn blew the dust off and switched the datapad on. "Jess's old datapad. He snagged one from the Empire. It's loaded with codes and stuff."

"Wouldn't the Empire know it's stolen?"

Ryn smirked. "Nope. We made sure of it. This thing is updated as regularly as other Imperial issues datapads. I can't believe I forgot about it."

"Good thing you did or General Draven would have it," Fey replied.

Ryn nodded and plugged the datapad into the ship's control panel. Information filtered by until, at last, it stopped on the clearance codes. "Just in time," Ryn whispered as they passed by another Imperial transport.

    Feylin switched on the comms shortly. "Nu shuttle, please identify," an officer's voice crackled through.

    "This is Shuttle RA-22," Ryn replied, hoping the call sign was believable.

    "Did you really just use your age and initials?" Feylin groaned. Ryn shot her a dark look.

    "What's your business here? This sector is restricted to civilians," the officer said.

    "Oh, uh, we're not civilians. We've been sent to pick up and deliver a shipment of fuel?"

    "Wait, are you the new pilot Estma hired?"

    "Yep, that's me!" Ryn watched the refinery below as it grew closer. Several of the gun turrets were aimed at them.

    "She never did have a good eye for employees. Submit the clearance codes."

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