Futile Efforts

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Coruscant: 0 BBY
Imperial Palace
Ryn Alera

    Nearly two hours had passed. Ryn leaned against a wall with a glass of water in one hand. Another waltz was beginning. When are they going to start the meetings? She groaned to herself. The longer they were there, the more nervous she became.

    After the first hour of waiting, she had snuck off with Jess again, although the break was short lived. Ryn flushed briefly, then collected herself and glanced around the ballroom. Jess and Azie were standing beside the other guards and droids, clearly bored.

    At least the Emperor and Vader haven't shown up, Ryn thought. I'm not sure we'd be able to fool them. The music stopped abruptly. She turned towards a dais that had been wheeled into the ballroom. Director Krennic and a few other officers and engineers were standing on it. She joined the crowd that formed around them.

    "We thank you all for coming and for so graciously supporting our efforts with this new mechanical marvel," one of the officers said. "We are offering our investors a chance to look inside this machine through a short presentation. I will conduct it, but first, Director Krennic will say a few words."

    The Director stepped forward with a dry smile. "You are among the wisest people I've met. You openly support the Empire without even knowing what you're supporting. Secrecy is a useful tool, but one we have no place for right now. I hope this evening will prove beneficial and educational to you all." The crowd applauded him politely as he disappeared from sight.

    Ryn drifted back towards Jess as the crowd pressed closer around the dais. Seats were being brought in and sorted out. "So what's the plan?" Jess asked as she approached.

    "I think it would be best if I stayed here. They'll notice if I'm gone. Follow Krennic. He'll be going to the secret meeting," she replied. Jess nodded. "And be careful."

    He brushed his thumb over her knuckles briefly. "I will. Come on, Azie." The two of them ducked out of the ballroom. Ryn returned to the crowd and quickly found an empty seat. She found herself situated between two women. Both were unfamiliar to her and wore too much perfume.

    The lights in the ballroom dimmed and an astomech joined the officer on the dais. A light flickered on in his dome, projecting a spherical object. Ryn tilted her head curiously. "This is the object of your investments," he began. "The Emperor first began the construction during the Clone Wars. Even then, he knew that some day, we would need a way to defend ourselves from treachery. This new weapon will do just that."

    "What exactly does it do?" Someone asked.

    "I myself am uncertain. The Emperor was adamant that we don't reveal too much until it makes its debut."

    "What is it called?" Ryn asked.

    The officer fixed a look on her. "The Death Star."

    She kept her expression passive, but let the name wander through her mind again. Death Star. There was something wrong about it, entirely. She hoped Jess was having more of an educational time than she was.

Coruscant: 0 BBY
Imperial Palace

    Muffled voices came from the guarded room down the dark hallway. Jess ducked out of sight as a few astromechs rolled past, casting lights around. Azie whirred quietly. Jess narrowed his eyes, watching one of the droids roll into the meeting room.

    "That's how you're getting in," Jess whispered. "Record whatever you can but get out if they start getting suspicious." Azie whistled and rolled towards the room. The guards glanced at him, but didn't move as he entered.

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