Gentle Progress

735 40 32

Yavin 4: 13 BBY
Rebel Base

Jess moved about the base stiffly, with Azie trailing behind. Several days had passed since he'd woken up. After much pleading and boredom, the doctor had finally agreed to let him walk around the base. The young boy, Cassian, was with him too.

"Over there is the meeting room," Cassian said, pointing to a door in the stone structure. "Up there, we have several catwalks that overlook the hangar. Sometimes I get up there and spy on everyone."

"How did you get to the Rebellion?" Jess asked suddenly. "You don't look old enough to be here."

Cassian straightened, a defiant look in his eyes. "Hey, I'm 14! There's a lot of 14 year olds here. Besides, I'm an orphan. I've got nowhere else to go."

"I'm sorry."

"It's all right. Besides, General Draven said I'm good at spying and maybe the Senators will give me special assignments when I'm older."

"Have you had any assignments yet?"

Cassian shook his head. "I've mostly been learning how to fly and analyze battles. They've been teaching me some codes too."

"Do you know how to shoot?"

"Yeah, that was the first thing they taught me. You can't join a war and not know how to shoot."

Jess glanced at him with half a grin. "That's true. You also have to know respect and trust."

    "Respect I understand but why trust?"

    "You have trust the person who's leading you. You have trust the soldiers next to you, and you have to trust yourself."

    Cassian furrowed his brows and nodded. "That makes sense." Azie whistled behind them. Cassian glanced back at him before answering. "No, we still haven't found out where they took your friend."

    Jess rubbed his forehead for a moment, then perked up. "I think I know a way to find out. Can I send a transmission?"

    "To who?"

    "Someone who can get close to Qi'ra and might have heard something."

    "I'll take you to Admiral Raddus and you can ask him," Cassian replied. "The Senators are off world currently."

    They switched directions and headed farther into the base. Cassian led them towards a large holotable surrounded by several monitors. Admiral Raddus was speaking with someone when they approached. He waved the communications officer away.

    "Cassian, what can I help you with?" Raddus asked.

    Cassian gestured to Jess. "I think I have an idea for finding Ryn," Jess said.

    "Well, let's hear it then. None of our scouts have found anything."

    "There was a man in Canto Bight who helped us. Assuming Qi'ra doesn't know about that, he might be able to help find out where Qi'ra took Ryn."

    "So you want to send a transmission to him?"

    "Yes, Admiral."

    "Very well. There's a holotable in there that you can use. We'll wait out here." Raddus pointed to a room close by.

    Jess nodded and entered the room with Azie following behind. He sealed the door behind them and switched on the holotable. "Azie, can you get a transmission running to Lando?" Azie chirped and plugged into the holotable. Gears clicked for a few seconds, then a hologram appeared.

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