Cracked Hearts

745 38 13

Cantonica: 13 BBY
"Broken Remnant"

    He fitted some new charge casings into his blasters, waiting for Qi'ra to board the ship. Ryn was preparing her own blasters as well. Azie was already sealed inside the cabin, waiting for orders. The ship rocked again and there was a faint hiss as the First Light's docking clamp attached to their ship.

    "How does that ship have a tractor beam?" Jess muttered between his teeth.

    "Qi'ra must have installed it. Kalevalan yachts don't usually have them. They aren't made for starfights," Ryn replied.

    Metal groaned down in the ship's airlock. "They're here," he hissed.

    Ryn grabbed his arm suddenly. Jess raised his eyebrows at her. "I..." she began.

    He pulled her into a hug before she could continue. "Tell me later," he murmured. Ryn nodded against him. They drew apart and finished preparing their blasters as footsteps drew closer.

    Ryn darted to another corner of the cockpit and hunkered down, waiting. Jess rolled underneath a console, where he had full view of the doorway. Sparks flew around the door momentarily, before it flew open with a hiss. Qi'ra breezed in, followed by several of her guards.

    "Find them," she ordered.

    Across the room, Ryn met his gaze. Jess nodded and they opened fire. Three of the guards collapsed, stunned. The other guards opened fire in their general direction. Ryn pressed herself against a wall. The blasts narrowly missed her. Jess hissed in pain as another shot nicked his arm.

    Their blasters aren't set to stun! He realized.

    "Ryn, Jess, come out and make this easier on yourselves," Qi'ra said.

    Jess started as a guard stormed across the room. He grabbed Ryn and flung her out of her hiding spot. She gasped, her blasters clattering away from her hands. She tried to scramble towards them, but paused as Qi'ra pressed a blade against her throat.

    "Oh, Jess. Come out now or she dies!" Qi'ra spat.

    Anger rolled in his stomach but he stepped out of his hiding spot, blasters raised. Two guards ran over to him. One slammed a knee into his gut and the other landed a blow on his back. Jess fell to his knees, coughing. Qi'ra pulled her blade away from Ryn and snapped her fingers. Two guards grabbed Ryn's arms, holding her in place.

    Qi'ra drifted over to him and grabbed his face with her hand. "Ryke told me you two would be traitors. I really hate proving him right." Jess gritted his teeth and yanked his face out of her grasp. Qi'ra squatted down in front of him, tilting her head. "Tell me, Clone. Who was your general? Who instilled such disobedient behaviors in you? You betrayed the Jedi, the Empire, and now me."

    "My general was one of the best!" Jess spat. "My actions are my own!"

    "Are they really? I've heard rumors that certain words can make clones revert to their inhibited behaviors." Qi'ra leaned closer to him, grinning. "Is this familiar?" Her voice lowered to a whisper. "Execute Order 66."

    Jess snapped his forehead into her nose. Qi'ra stumbled back, a look of disgust crossing her face. She snapped her fingers again and the guards holding Ryn suddenly kicked her stomach. She coughed for breath and sagged in their arms.

    "What are you going to do with us?" Ryn gasped.

    "Well, I had planned to send him to the Empire and claim their reward, but now I think that will put their sights on me. I'd rather avoid unpleasant Imperial activity. I guess we'll just have to kill him." Qi'ra whirled suddenly. "As for you, I already have a buyer lined up." Ryn's eyes widened and her breath shook in fear.

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