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When we got back to the house Corey, Sam, and Kat were playing a board game with my dad and the Brocks. "Stop cheating Sam! There's no way you could come up with those so fast!" Kat yelled and pointed at Sam as he laughed, "dude we are on the same team!" He yelled with a laugh. "What are you guys playing?" I asked as Colby went off to put the icream away. "Five second rule." Mrs. Brock said as I sat on the couch next to Kat, "that sounds fun! Can we join?" I asked and clapped happily, "yeah! Let us finish our round and then you're in." Mr.Brock said as Colby came back with a bowl of icecream for me.

Colby and I watched as they continued to play. Colby's parents were really good, my dad and corey were hilarious, Sam and Kat were constantly fake arguing which left Colby and I dying of laughter.

"Sam I swear to god, waffles aren't something you can wear!" Kat giggled threw the card at him. "You guys fight like a married couple!" Mrs. Brock said and wiped the tears of laughter off her cheeks. "Maybe that's a hint, Sam." Kat said and scrunched her nose at him, "or maybe it isn't" Sam said and winked at her causing her mouth to fly open.

We spent the rest of the night laughing and playing different games with our families. It was honestly the best night we have had in a long long time.

Something about being around family and friends had me buzzing, unfortunately being pregnant meant I got tired faster. "I think I'm gonna head up to bed." I said with a yawn as I got up, stretching. "Okay, I'll be up in a bit." Colby said and kissed me as he grabbed the empty white claw cans that were in front of everyone. "Goodnight! See you tomorrow!" Kat said and stood up to hug me.

I walked over and gave dad a hug as he kissed my head, "Goodnight squirt." He said and smiled, "night." I said and hugged Mr. and Mrs. Brock. "I'm so happy you're here." I said quietly as Mrs. Brock put her hand on my cheek, "I'm happy we could be here. We love you." She said then pulled me into a hug. "Love you too." I whispered and squeezed her.

As I walked upstairs I could feel the baby moving even more, it felt as if she was rolling around in my belly. I don't know how I'm going to survive another month of this.

I flopped onto the bed and looked up at the ceiling as I rubbed at my stomach. "Why don't you ever stop moving?" I whispered to her and closed my eyes, letting myself relax and let sleep overcome me.

A couple hours later I was woken up by Colby sliding into the bed with me, "sorry." He whispered and pulled me into him, "it's okay, did you guys have fun?" I asked quietly but kept my eyes closed, "it was fun, I'm glad they are here." He said and rubbed my arm soothingly, "me too, thank you for flying them out here." I whispered and leaned up, kissing his jaw line. "You're welcome sweetheart. Let's get some rest. I love you." He said and kissed my head, "I love you too." I whispered and let myself fall asleep again.

"Hey babe, have you seen my phone?" I asked as I searched through my bag. He didn't answer. "Colby??" I asked and peaked my head into the bathroom where he just was. "Nope. Not Colby." Jason said causing me to gasp and back up, "leave me alone.." I whispered and looked down, I wasn't pregnant. "Nah, I think I'll stay." He said and sat on the counter. "I'm not kidding, please leave me alone." I whispered and looked around for Colby, "he's not here." Jason said and picked at his nails, "w-what?" I sighed out feeling my heart break in my chest. "Yeah, took your baby and left, it's kind of what you deserve after you ruined my life." I shook my head, "I ruined YOUR life?" I gasped angrily, "yeah, you got me sent to prison when all I wanted was a little action, then the next time I see you you're pregnant? It's disgusting really." He said and got off the counter causing me to flinch. "Don't be scared, I'll only hurt you a little bit." He growled and grabbed me by the shoulders pushing me back into the wall. I struggled against his grip as he slammed me repeatedly against the wall. "Stop!!" I screamed in pain as he brought his knee up, winding it back, before plowing it into my stomach causing extreme pain. "Fuck!" I yelled out. "Cora??" Colby's voice rang from downstairs. I wimpered and hit the ground as Jason dropped me to the floor. When I looked up he was gone, but my stomach was still in excruciating pain. "Mom!!! Mom I'm coming!" A young girls voice yelled as I sobbed out in pain.

I bolted up, feeling the pain in my stomach in real life. It wasn't as intense, almost like a dull pain. Something wasn't right. I slid out of bed, holding my stomach and breathing out with each step. I glanced back at the bed to see Colby still soundly asleep.

"Okay Cora, you're fine, just breathe," I whispered to myself and got to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked sickly pale as sweat dripped from my forehead. The pain in my stomach let up as I sat down on the toilet lid, "Okay..Braxton Hicks." I said out loud, remembering reading about it.

Braxton Hicks is when you feel like you're going into labor but you're not. I couldn't be going into labor,
I'm not due for another month. She's not ready yet. I shook my head as the pain came back, stronger than before. "Shit." I hissed and got up again, walking to the sink. I winced in pain as I turned the faucet on to splash water on my face. I breathed out again and gripped the sink after turning off the faucet.

The pain went away again, causing me to sigh with relief. I went to go back into the bedroom but stepped in a puddle of water. The breath was taken from my chest as my eyes widened, "oh my god...oh my god!" I said and looked down, noticing water was all over my pants. "Oh my god! COLBY!" I yelled and hyperventilated as I leaned against the counter.

"Babe?!" I heard Colby yell from the other room before his rushed footsteps were heard rushing to me, "Are you okay?!" He asked, as I stared at him with wide eyes.

"My water broke."

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