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Colby's POV

"Babe we are LATE!" Cora yelled as she rummaged around the nursery throwing together Mia's things. "We are always late." I said with a laugh and helped her, "why are you even packing the diaper bag up right now? We are just going to the airport." I said and grabbed her hands as she frantically grabbed things. "I'm gathering things because if their flight is even delayed 20 minutes then we are fucked. Let go of my hands Brock or I'll punch you." She said and glared are me. I couldn't help but stifle a laugh, she was incredibly attractive when she was mad but not scary in the slightest. At least to me. Jake was terrified of her.

We were going to the airport to pick up Cora's dad, Michelle and Stephanie since Thanksgiving was in two days. We had to come back tomorrow to pick up my parents since my mom has to work today. "Alright lets go." Cora said and slung the bag onto her shoulder and started for the door with my hand locked in hers, "Cora babe, you're forgetting something." I said and she scrunched her brows, "no...teething toys, diapers, blanket, pac-" I shook my head interrupting her, "you're forgetting the actual baby." I said and pointed to Mia who was laying in her crib looking up at us. "Oh god...." Cora whispered and brought her hand to her mouth.

"Alright listen to me." I said and held her face in my hands, "take a deep breath, you're stressing yourself out for no reason." I said and she shook her head, "We are late." She mumbled as I pulled her to me. "It's okay baby, let's stop you from unwraveling right now." I said and laced my fingers through her hair, "I know you're not this freaked out because we are late. Is it because you're meeting them for the first time?" I asked and rested my cheek on her head, "maybe.." she mumbled. I smiled slightly and pulled away from her so I could look at her face.

"It's going to be okay. You have me right by your side." I said and rubbed her arms as she smiled softly at me, "I know. I just want to like them so bad, ya know...for my dad. He would be devastated if I didn't approve or like them." She said and frowned up at me. "All he wants is for you to give them a chance. That's all he could ask for, he's not expecting you to immediately think of her like a mom, or even really like her at first. He just wants you to try." I said and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear before leaning over and placing a kiss on her lips.

"You're gonna be okay." I said and she nodded, "thank you. I love you so much." She said and took a step away from me so she could grab Mia. "I love you too, now let's go, we are really late." I said with a wink as she rolled her eyes.

When we got to the airport we parked in the parking lot and got out of the car, "you ready?" I asked and grabbed the diaper bag. "No but I will be." She said and pulled Mia out of her car seat. "Just have an open mind baby girl." I said and put my hand on the small of her back as we walked to their terminal.

"Hey squirt!" Cora's dad yelled happily as we walked up to them. "Hey daddy." She said and hugged him as best as she could with Mia in her arms. "Hi Mia!" He cooed and took her from Cora. Mia giggles as he peppered her face with kisses. "Hey son," he said and hugged me, "hey dad, it's good to see you." I said and wrapped my arm around Cora's waist, "Cora, Colby, this is Michelle and her daughter Stephanie." Cora's dad said and gestured to the tall brunette and skinny blonde next to him. "It's nice to meet you." Cora said shyly and waved, "we are so glad you're here." I said with a smile,

"Oh my god...OH my god. Are you Colby Brock from like..Sam and Colby!?" Stephanie squeeled and brought her hands to her mouth.

Oh god.

I felt Cora tense up as I smiled slightly, "yeah..ha that's me." I said and caressed Cora's hip with my thumb. "You're even hotter in person wowwww we need to get a picture!" She said and Michelle hit her arm, "Steph stop it! I know you have his picture hanging above your bed but this is Dan's soon to be son in law. Stop it." She scolded.

Picture above her bed?


I felt Cora tense up as she forced a smile on her face, "shit uh...I should have told you before." Cora's dad said and looked at us. "I should have told you that I'm the king of pranks and you just got GOT." He said and danced around as Mia giggled happily. Cora breathed out a small laugh, "ha. Good one." She said as I continued to rub my thumb against her hip.

"Yeah I'm not a crazy fan, I have seen your videos though they are pretty sick." She said and shrugged. "And you are like..really pretty." She said to Cora. "Thanks, you are too." Cora said shyly. I couldn't read how she was feeling but I could tell she was nervous.

"It's really nice to meet you guys, I have heard so much about you. It also shows a lot that the first thing Dan wanted us to do was prank you." She said with a chuckle. "Yeah. He's always been one with jokes I guess." Cora said as she watched her dad make faces at Mia.

"Did you guys want to maybe grab some lunch? I know it was a long flight." I said and pulled Cora closer to my side. "That sounds great!" Cora's dad said and looked up at Michelle and Stephanie, "sound good?" He asked and they both nodded, grabbing their bags. I grabbed dad's bag so he could carry Mia, and I held Cora's hand with my other hand.

"You okay?" I mumbled to her as we walked. She nodded and smiled at me slightly. I could tell she was still trying to figure out her own feelings, but I didn't want to pressure her into talking to me yet.

We got to the restaurant and all sat down, Michelle and Dad sat on one side of the table and I sat in between Cora and Stephanie on the other side, Mia was in a high chair next to Cora and Dad. We all got to talking.

Michelle and Cora seemed to be getting along but Stephanie was on her phone most of the time so they couldn't really talk that much.

I watched as Cora would interact with her dad and Michelle though, she had a light in her eyes now that wasn't there at the airport. I could tell she liked Michelle and that made me so happy.

Mia started crying after a while which meant she probably needed to be changed. "I got it." Cora said and kissed my cheek before getting up and grabbing the diaper bag and scurrying away with Mia.

Stephanie finally put her phone down and looked up at me, "where is she going?" She asked and looked off into the direction of where Cora went. "She went to go change Mia. Are you liking LA so far?" I asked trying to be nice. She hadn't really talked much so I didn't know what else to say. "Yeah. Yeah it's pretty cool." She said with a smile. "That's good, hopefully you're able to go out and see more of it." I said and looked up at Cora's dad. He was talking to Michelle with so much happiness and love in his eyes it made me happy to see.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Stephanie asked causing me to look at her again, "uh sure what's up?" I asked and she leaned in to whisper in my ear.

She placed her hand on my leg and whispered lowly, "I wasn't kidding when I said you were hotter in person."


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