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Kara laced the corset of the ball gown up as I faced away from the mirror. "You look stunning.." she said and stepped back, walking around me. I felt the butterflies in my stomach and chest realizing that I was wearing a wedding dress for the first time. "You ready to look?" She asked and put her hands up to her mouth as she studied me, "yeah." I whispered and closed my eyes, then turned around slowly to face the mirror.

When I opened my eyes tears automatically sprung to my eyes. The shock of seeing myself in a wedding dress was so overwhelming, but in the best way possible. I wasn't getting that all consuming love for the dress I was wearing, but it was really beautiful.

"You like it?" She asked as I brought my hand up to wipe the tear that had fallen. "It's beautiful." I said and twisted around, looking at all of the details. "Come on let's go show your friends." She said and opened the door for me to go out to the waiting area.

When I turned the corner they all gasped as I smiled happily. Kat was holding Mia in her arms as tears came to her eyes, "you look gorgeous!" She said as Mia reached for me, with a clump of Kat's hair in her hand. "Hi sweetheart." I said and walked up to Mia, kissing her head, before going up to the podium that was set up.

"What do you think?" Devyn asked and admired the dress, "it's beautiful, but I didn't get the feeling that it was the one." I said with a small frown, "it's okay, it's only your first dress, you'll feel it with one of them." Tara said as Kara helped me get down from the podium, "alright ladies we'll be back!" Kara said and let me back to the dressing room.

I tried on dozens of dresses, all of them were beautiful but none of them gave me that overwhelming feeling that I was looking for. Maybe my heart and mind were too damaged at the moment to feel it. I felt my heart shift in my chest as the dark cloud creeped up again.

Maybe I wouldn't find the dress because I couldn't feel happiness anymore.

I shook my head, "you ready to try on one more?" Kara asked and I scrunched my brow, "I thought this one was the last?" I asked and looked down at the tulle dress I was wearing, "we have one more..your daughter picked it out." She said and I laughed, "my daughter is two months old." I said and shook my head, "yeah your friend was walking around with her and she grabbed at this one and wouldn't let go until your friend took it off the rack." She said and I nodded, "what's one more then." I said and shrugged.

She pulled out the dress and helped me get into it, it had a v neck line with thick lace straps as the sleeves, it had a lace bodice that sinched at the waist and bellowed into a full skirt. It had a small train and lace detailing on a couple pieces of tulle. Tears immediately fell down my cheeks as soon as it was zipped up. Before I could even see it, I knew it was the one.

As soon as I turned around I gasped.

It was perfect.

"You have the look." Kara said as I laughed a watery laugh, wiping the tears off of my cheeks with the back of my hand, "what do you mean?" I asked and she just smiled, "this is the one isn't it?" She asked and fluffed out the skirt for me, "I think so." I whispered with a small smile. "Alright, let's show your friends, then I'll get a vail and we can see if you still feel that way." She said and opened the door

When I walked out there was silence from the girls until Kat finally stood up with Mia in her arms. "Cora..." she whispered, "you look breathtaking." Devyn said with a smile. Tara just stared at me with a huge grin plastered on her face.

Kara walked up to me and stuck a veil in my hair letting it flow around me, "oh my god!" Kat gasped and brought her hand to her mouth as tears streamed down her cheeks. "This is it...this is the one." I said as tears fell down my own cheeks.

I didn't want to take it off, but we eventually did have to go home. Once they got my measurements and I was back in my normal clothes we were ready to go.

Mia started fussing in my arms almost immediately, "Okay honey I know, you're probably hungry." I said quietly to her and kissed her head, then strapped her in to the stroller. "Okay I have to feed Mia in the car real quick but then I'll be home okay?" I asked as the girls grabbed their bags. "Okay but if you're not back in an hour I'm sending a search party." Kat said and I laughed, "I won't be that long, 30 minutes tops." I said then went to the car.

I sat in the front seat to feed Mia, my mind wondered off as I thought about the dress. I couldn't believe that Mia picked it out for me, especially because I was feeling so hopeless.

Once she was fed and burped I strapped her in to her car seat and made my way back to the house.

When I pulled into the driveway, Colby's car still wasn't there. I sighed and frowned slightly, which was sad because I shouldn't already miss him this much. I wanted to call him but he was probably in the middle of filming and I wasn't losing my mind so it didn't seem like an appropriate time to call him.

As Mia and I made our way inside I could smell someone cooking something, "mmm what is that?! It smells really good." I asked quietly since Mia was now asleep against my chest, "I'm making us all pizza for dinner, Sam and Colby should be back soon." Corey said and I nodded, "I'm gonna bring her up to bed." I said then made my way upstairs. As soon as I set her down I leaned into the crib and kissed her head, "Goodnight sweet girl." I whispered then left the room to go back downstairs.

"Did you say yes?" Jake asked as I sat at the island, "what?" I asked and took a sip from my drink, "isn't that what girls do? Say yes to the dress?" I laughed, "oh! Yeah. I did say yes to the dress." I said and smiled at him, "deadass it's so pretty. Mia even picked it out." Tara said and leaned onto his shoulder, "a baby picked out your wedding dress?" Corey said with a laugh and I nodded, "what can I say, I gave birth to a genius." I said and brushed my shoulder cockily.

We spent the next couple hours waiting for Sam and Colby to come back, "when did they say they were coming back??" I asked Corey, "they said they would be home soon...I don't know." He said as I anxiously twisted my ring, "hey don't worry, they are probably gonna come through the door any second, breathe." Jake said and I tried to relax. The hysterics were building in my chest leaving me gasping for air. I tried to keep calm but I was really worried, it was already 10:30, when Colby said they would be back by 10. I tried calling him but it immediately went to voicemail, "that's so weird..he didn't even answer." I said with a frown, "maybe they got caught up and are still filming, you know how they are." Corey said and I nodded.

Three more hours passed by and there was still no word, I was now officially freaking out and so was Kat, "try calling again." I mumbled but Corey shook his head, "it won't do-" I groaned "CALL HIM AGAIN." I snapped and then slammed my head down into my arms which were folded on the counter top. "He didn't answer.." he said and I shook my head, hysterics boiling within me.

"Cora sweetie, calm down you know this isn't good for you." Devyn said and rubbed my back, "I can't breathe." I whispered and lifted my head from my arms. "It's okay relax...they are probably fine." Kat said and grabbed one of my shaking hands.

We waited another thirty minutes before my phone started buzzing, an unknown number was calling me.

"H-hello?" I asked as everyone looked at me cautiously, "baby girl, don't freak out." Colby's voice sounded giving me instant comfort, but the hysterics came back with full force almost immediately, "where are you!? We have been worried sick." I said and wiped my tears, "don't freak out, we are okay, but are you sitting?" He asked and I nodded even though he couldn't see me, "yeah, oh god you're scaring me Colby." I said and brought a shaky hand to my mouth.

"Cora. We got arrested again."

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