Twenty Six: Secrets

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Cyrus' POV

Did she hear everything? How long was she there? Why was she crying? How could I forget she worked in my building?

Yes, the Templeton Hotel was written in my name.

But that's not important. What's important is the fact that Keia probably hated me. I just couldn't bear to tell her about Selena's threat. But that was what I meant to do the moment I got to see her face that night.

So at seven o'clock sharp, I'm at her apartment door. I hesitate to knock as I think about what I'm going to say. But suddenly, right when I'm about to knock, she opened the door.

She was wearing a black tank top and black shorts. There was the sound of something playing on TV and I recognised the iconic voice of Spongebob Squarepants anywhere. Her hair was straightened and cut so it only reached her shoulder blades. She looked dizzy as she squinted at me to see me clearly.

Before she could say anything,I spoke first.

"I'm sorry, Keia."

" For what? "

"For not telling you about the threat."

" I don't know what you're talking about. "

"Wait? You didn't hear anything before you came in to my room?"

" I haven't been to your house before, Cyrus. How would I have heard anything? "

I was confused.

"Did you go to work today?"

" Yeah, " she replied. She sneezed and crossed her arms.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She shouldn't be sick now she was recovered from pneumonia.

"I'm fine." She deadpaned .

"Have you worked room service before?"

" No. I'm a cleaner and a waitress at the beachside restaurant. Why are you acting suspicious? "

I looked her in the eye silently and waited to see if her nose  twitched like it always did when she lied. But it didn't, instead she sneezed again.

"Are you gonna come in or are you comfortable at my stylish door," she said with a small smile .

I accepted the offer and entered. Maybe it wasn't her  after all. She wouldn't let her hair down. And they are plenty of people with midnight black eyes. But a part of me knew there couldn't possibly be anyone else with such starry eyes. But I chose to ignore it.

I put the shopping bag I came with on the table and smiled at her.

"Why are you looking mischievous again?" She giggled.

"Look, I know you don't want to, but I really need you to do this..." I started.

"Do what?" She said cautiously slow.

"You're going to a high school party tonight at the beach and I'm not taking no for an answer."

" Cy... "

"Please?" I pressed my lips together waiting for an answer. She was clearly breaking away.

"Okay, fine." She sneezed again.

"Also, are you sure you're okay?" I frowned.

She sighed in frustration and sat up from the beanbag opposite me and sat on the couch with me. She pushed her hair away from her face.

"I'll go on one condition, no, two," she said avoiding my eyes and question.

"You didn't answer my question," I said.

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