Uno Reverse.

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I pull out onto the highway and take off like a bad of hell. Sage gives me a side-eye, and at this point, I was too focused on driving to care. I was doing 65, and I was scared shitless. But at least I was doing it, so he had a point. Damnit, I hate when he's right.

"Are you mad at me!?" Sage asked in a whisper. I turned at him so fast I got whiplash. But the look on his face said he was sorry that he overstepped his playing.

"No, I mean I was, but I can't ever stay mad at you for very long. One look with the bright blue eyes, and I'm over it. I'm like putty in your hands." I reminded him of how easy he got away with things because it was so true. He bought me a car and clothes, and he let me live with him as well. He knew I never needed these things, but he wanted me to enjoy the things I had missed out on. He was sweet.

"Good, now step on it because I think we're being followed," Sage says, and I stare at him in open-mouth shock. Step on it? I was going 65 and already too fast for my first time driving. Fuck!

I checked my mirrors, and sure enough, there was a black SUV following my every move. Maybe they just wanted to get around all the cars? So I pulled behind a semi to see if they would slow down, and sure enough, they stayed right behind me. Well, this isn't going to end well.

"Come on, my little red; I know you have that fire in you, light it up for me and show me what you got!" Sage smirks and rubs my cheek. He's testing once again.

So I stepped on it; I weaved in and out of cars trying to lose this SUV, but no matter what, he was always right behind us. I looked down, and I was going fucking 90 mph; I don't know how much faster I can go without having a panic attack. Why couldn't Sage be driving? Why does this shit have to happen when we had such a good fucking day?

I started to get pissed. I waited for the SUV to get on my ass, and I got in the other lane and stepped on my breaks. I got behind him to get off on the next exit. But that mother fucker just uno reversed me. I was once again outplayed. Well, fuck you too.

I stay next to this semi and wait for my exit; I cut the semi off and lose the SUV when we almost pass it. I thought we were going to get run over for sure.

But my car was tiny and fast, so smooth I didn't even notice I had downshifted and was sitting at the stop sign.

"Come, let's go. We don't want them to catch up." Sage started, pulling me out of my high. What an adrenaline rush, why oh, why haven't I ever done this before!? Oh yeah, because I never had a car.

Sage was right about one thing. He said he would take me places and show me things I had never done. Sage said he wanted to have all my firsts with me. Well, I bet that was a first he didn't want me to have.

We pull into the drive, and I open the garage. I park the car and sit there thinking we had just almost died from being chased. What a fucking rush; I mean, if that ever happens, I hope I am never the one driving. But fuck, it was crazy. Who the hell was chasing us, and what did they want?

I sat there in silence, trying to let my heart calm down and my breathing slow. Fuck.

"Are you okay?" Sage asked, worry written all over his face. I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car. I shut the door softly and just leaned against it. I can't even put into words how I feel right now. My emotions are all over the place.

I hear Sage shut his door, and I know he is worried sick about me, but I can't help it. I don't even know what to say or feel.

"Piper, you're in shock; come on, let's get inside and sit down." Sage lifted my chin so he could look me in the eyes. He was worry etched all over his face.

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