Game On

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I chew my food as fast as I can. I know Sage will try to hold out until we make it home, but I for one don't plan on waiting that long. I want him now and there's not a damn thing he can do about it.

The waiter stops and and drops off the check. I look at Sage confused as Mike was suppose to get the bill. That smug bastard left it for us. Who the fuck offers to pay for dinner then dips out? Sage looks at me and smirks. He already knew Mike would pull that shit, he didn't look surprised at all.

"Did you know he wouldn't pay for dinner?" I ask him and he smiles his boyish grin at me. Oh I know that look all to well.

"Sage. Answer me!" I gave him a stern look waiting for him to explain himself.

"Well I don't like people paying for my dates, so when we was seated I told the waiter I wanted the check. No if's or but's about it." Sage says and lays in card on the bill placing it back to the waiter.

"I'll be right back with this sir." The waiter says and runs off. Like he doesn't want to see me yell at Sage for being an asshat.

"Sage that is ridiculous. He was just trying to be nice, you know after he was a total dick." I chuckle and take the last drink of my wine. "Well I'm going to use the restroom I will be back." I kiss Sage on the cheek and make my way across the restaurant.

Sage follows my every move. Stalker by day and night. I smile and sway my ass knowing he is watching. He is like a tiger about to pounce, if anyone makes a wrong move. It was sweet of him being so protective of me. But he will have to let me spread my wings eventually right?

I make my way into the ladies room and notice there is a line. I stand there quietly and wait. There are 3 girls in front of me. One of the blondes turns around and smiles at me while the other says.

"Oh my god are you with Mr. Parker? Like dating him or are you just another one of his side things?"

I feel the anger inside me and push it away. Now was not the time to get mad and yell at a complete stranger.

"No I'm not a side thing. I am with Mr. Parker and we are dating." I said in a calm voice which surprised the hell out of me. Why did girls have to be so rude?

"Oh wow he hasn't dated in a long time since well you know." The other blonde bitch said. Umm no I don't fucking know, but you can bet your ass I will find out.

"Oh yes well sometimes people take time between relationships. You know to be sure they are ready for the next and last one." I said in the sweetest voice. Fuck her and trying to ruin things for us. I hate jealous mean girls. This is why I don't have any friends.

The next stall opened and I stepped in front of both blondes and took it. That will teach them to get into peoples relationships not knowing the person or anything about what is going on. It was none of their business if we was together or not.

I get done and walk to the sink. I flip my hair over my shoulder to wash my hands. I give the girls a smile as I walk out the door. Ugh stupid females. I walk past Sage and straight to the car. I was no longer ripping his clothes off. No now I just wanted to murder his ass.

Sage runs after me and yells my name. Fuck I hated being like this, why couldn't I just talk to him like a normal person?

"Piper Marie turn around right now!" Sage barked in a voice that made me shiver with excitement. No I was mad, focus Piper. I folded my arms over my chest and stepped into the town car. Not so bad now are you Mr. Parker?

"What is wrong? What happened in the bathroom? Why are you mad at me? What can I do to fix whatever I did?" He fires off the questions and I have no idea which to answer first.

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