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I look up at Sage walking through the door and I can't seem to speak. I'm in shock at what I just heard, a good kind of shock. I hand my phone to Sage and let him listen to all the voicemails because I'm sure he knows half of the people trying to get a hold of me.

"Piper this is fantastic, I'm so proud of you. I will make some calls and set up some meetings as soon as your healed." Sage says while kisses me gently. 

"No I would like to do this on my own if that's okay?" I ask him trying not to hurt his feelings, it's just he has helped me so much I feel I need to take a hold of my life and make some big girl choices. 

"Yes, of course it's okay. I just would like to know who you decide on so I can run a background check. I don't want to end up with another Mike." He gives me a wink and I can't help but agree with him. I don't need anymore douche bags in my life.  

So I pick up my phone and start calling the people back in the same order as they called me. It's only fair to the first come serve. 

"Hello my name is Piper Smith and I was just returning your phone call."

"Oh yes Miss Smith, we have been trying to reach you for a couple days now. I hope we don't sound desperate but after what you did to Mike we couldn't help but love you already." The lady on the phone explains. 

Hmm so they only love me for what I did to Mike? Or they love me even more for what I did to him? Somethings fishy here and I don't like it. 

"So did you have time to listen to my music? What are some of your thoughts?" I ask just to see if she indeed listen to any of it. 

"Oh yes, we wouldn't have called you back if we hadn't. I'm sorry if I made it seem like we only wanted you for what you did to Mike. That was just a bonus. We had no idea who you was until you blasted him all over the music world. That's why we called because when we looked you up from videos on the internet singing to people on the streets it was the sound we have been searching for." She takes a deep breath and waits while I think about what she said. 

"I'm on the internet?" I whisper

"Yes you are. It's a music site here in Nashville people who come to visit upload all their videos and pictures to." She explained. 

"Okay, Can I keep my music the way I want it? And not change my writing? I love my songs and I don't want to have to change them or me to fit into this little person you have imagined. Because I can promise you I am me and that's all I ever want to be." I say in a stern voice I didn't know I had. 

"Well of course Miss Smith that's why we want to work with you. Because you are you and not like everyone else." I can hear her chuckle and I already feel like we would get along perfectly. 

"Okay send me the address and I will come down in a few days once I'm feeling better." I say and claps her hands and cheers. 

"I'm sorry you're not feeling well Miss Smith, I do hope you get to feeling better. I will send all the information to this phone as soon as we hang up. It was great speaking with you, and I can't wait to see you in the studio everyday. Bye " She hangs up the phone and I have no idea what her name is or who she works for. This is why Sage does all these things. 

"So who is the luck guy?" Sage asks as he sit crisscross in front of me.

"Um well I don't know actually. And it's not a guy, it's a female. I think I'm going to love it there. As soon as I know where there is." I state

"Piper, you mean to tell me you closed a business deal without a name or address?" Sage chuckles at my lack of information and I fall back on my pillow and groan. I hide my face with my hands and scream out in pain.

"Damnit, I'm dumb and now in pain. I can't do anything right today." I feel a tear roll down my face and the hope and happiness I had is now gone. I thought I could do this on my own, but maybe I never will. Maybe I will always need Sage to save me. 

"Pips stop it, don't beat yourself up about it. I'm sure they will send you all the information. No need to panic." Sage tries to comfort me and I remembered I told her to send it to my phone. Not all hope is lost. 

I pick up my phone and look through the texts, sure enough everything I need is written right there. Damn I may not need Sage for this one after all. Well besides a background check, he would never let me go without one, and who could blame him. I don't have the best track record with guys. 

      Lillian Holts

@ Holt's Studios 213 n park ave, Nashville TN

Looking forward to meeting you.

                                                       xEmma Harper

I hand the phone to Sage to show him I did get all the information. And he gasps. I sit up and stare at him waiting for him to share the info I already know he has, or he wouldn't be acting like that. 

"What tell me? Is there something wrong with Lillian Holts?" I look up and wait and wait and then and smirks at me. Like hello that's not helping. 

"Sage Michael tell me right now!" I demand in a stern voice. 

"Lillian Holts is a very sweet person and she is the most pickiest producer I have ever met. She don't just work with anyone. I'm so proud of you. If you wowed her which I know you did, then you pick the very best of the best to work with. I never would have even picked her for your kind of music because she is always picks more country pop. But this is amazing Pips. We have to celebrate." Sage kisses my lips and leaves me to my bed as he rushes downstairs.

So I did good all by myself. Finally I am proud of something good I have done on my own. And I really want to see where I'm at on the internet. This is all so insane, I can't believe it's finally going to happen. 

Sage comes rushing back into my room with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. He's grinning from ear to ear, and it feels so good to share this happy moment with someone I love. 

"Here's to the most talented, beautiful, smart, strong, hard headed, stubborn girl I have ever known. I'm so glad I was the person you fell in love with. I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Here's to you Piper Smith may all your dreams come true." Sage pops the cork and pours me a glass.



"But I have another toast." I say and hold my glass high in the air. 

"Here's to the most sweetest level headed guy I have ever met. You pulled me out of the darkness and lit the fire within me, I will always love you and be grateful you fell in love me as well. Here's to you Sage Parker for saving me over and over again."

I take a drink and put my glass on the night stand while pulling Sage on top of me. I want to cuddle him and love him in this happy moment. Just to feel him close to me soothes my soul. His smell is intoxicating I just want to lay here all day with him on me. His touch is my drug and I can't ever get enough. 

"Little red you're still sore and I shouldn't be laying on you while you're hurt." Sage tries to pull away and I pull him closer wrapping my legs around his waist so he couldn't get free. 

"No I want you here and I'm not hurting so just love me and get over it." I giggle and crash my lips to his. He kisses me  like he's been starved from my lips  for days. We look like two animals in heat and I couldn't careless. He was mine and I plan on showing him just how mine he really is. 

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