Here's to the future

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I wake up and snuggle closer to Sage, I take a deep breath and inhale his musky scent. He smells amazing all the time but first thing in the mornings his scent is so much more stronger. I could wake up with him beside me for the rest of my life and perfectly happy. 

"Good morning. You know it's rude to stare?" Sage chuckles and rolls over on his elbow. I take him in, looking at the way he brushes the hair out of my face, and the way he kisses my lips so very softly. Everything about him is gentle, but last night I seen a look in his eyes I have never seen before. Although it didn't scare me, it probably should have. He was a man on a mission to get his girl back and no one, I mean no one was going to get in his way. 

"Good morning. And it's not my fault you look so damn good in the mornings. You smell good enough to eat." I giggle and kiss his cheek. And roll out of bed and make my way to take a shower. 

"Hey I need to go get a new phone today. There's no telling if  any other producers have called or not. I know you are busy so I will go myself." I winked and closed the door behind me. I heard Sage pick up his phone and say a few words and then the door opened. 

"You are not going anywhere today, you are hurt and had a very long night. Your eye is swollen and I'm not taking no as an answer. I had someone pick up a new phone and bring it here. I promised I would take care of you, so please let me." Sage ordered and there was no way I would go against him in that tone.

Sage dropped his shorts and pulled his shirt over his head. He steps into the shower wrapping his hands around me. I turn around and wet my hair, Sage takes the shampoo squirting some in the palm of his hand and massaging it into my scalp. I moan and relax under the hot water letting Sage's hands work their magic. 

His hands wash every part of my body gently rubbing around my bruises, he spins me around and presses his cock to my backside, it takes everything inside of my not to moan out. There is no way I would make it through sex with his right now, and he knows that. He makes no attempt to pleasure me. Sage is a man of his words he only wants to take care of me, and I will forever be thankful for everything he has done for me. He has saved me more than once and I owe him my life. 

"Come let's get you out of the shower and back into bed. You need to rest. I will make you someone food and bring up your phone." Sage steps out of the shower and wraps my in a big white fluffy towel. 

I walk in my room and sit on the edge of my bed. "Sage I'm fine you don't have to stay home from work to take care of me." I give him a small smile and stand up my towel falls to the floor, I bend down to pick it up and my legs give out and before I hit the floor I feel Sage strong arms wrap around my waist and his hand cradles my head. 

"Now what was you saying about not needing my help? I will never leave you while you are in pain, Pips i'm not going anywhere and the sooner you can accept that the faster we can get you better." Sage whispers in my ear, and a shiver runs down my body. 

Sage lays me back in bed tucking me in, he leaves me to go make us some food. As I lay here and go over all the things that has happened in the last 24 hours, my body starts to shake and  it's not because I'm cold, but because I realize just how close I was to dying last night. Sage came in after I prayed and prayed that he would walk through that door. I thought that it was over and I was going to give up soon. I couldn't fight Greg any longer the more I thought I could the less strength I had. 

I look around the room and try to steady my thoughts, Sage is the best man I know and he will never let anything happen to me again, he is a man of his word as he would say. And I know he means every bit of it. 

I love him so much more everyday. I didn't think it was possible to love him any more then I already did. But he proves me wrong everyday. I never thought I would be able to trust a man with my life, and here I am giving mine to Sage. He has saved me and took great care of me, he puts me before himself which drives me mad. 

When Sage came beating down the door like a knight and fucking shining armor I lost it. All my pain came rushing forward and my tears fell, because I knew I was safe with him and I always will be. He has proved that to me over and over again. It was in that very moment I knew I was going to marry that man one day.

He has saved me from the darkness and the one guy who wanted me dead. He puts his life on the line last night not giving a fuck if he got hurt or had gone to jail for killing a man. He is mine and I am his. 

"Hey babe, is everything okay?" Sage comes and sit on the bed next to me. Wiping tears I didn't know I had shed. "I'm fine, I was just thinking of how many times you have saved me and how much I owe you. I never thought we would be here like this. When I moved in I thought we would be friends and roommates. But you have shown me a world I didn't even know could exist for me." 

I lay my head on his lap while he strokes my hair. He is so gentle I could barley feel his hands on my head. The way he cares for me makes my heart swell. 

"Hey Sage have you ever thought about getting married and having children?" I whisper and hope he has, because I love children so much I couldn't see living my life without a few babies. 

I hear Sage choke and his hands stop moving. Oh well I take that as a no. Well it's not like I was meaning right now. I just meant down the road. 

"Pips you know I would give you whatever you want. I know that head of yours went straight to doubt. I was just shocked is all. You never have asked me such a future question. It makes me so happy that you are thinking about having babies with me. Unless it wasn't me you were wanting them with?" Sage chuckles and I play slap his arm. This man I swear is trying to press all my buttons all the time. 

"Of course it was you Sage, It will always be you." I kiss his lips and take my new phone from his hands. He just stares at me in awe. I got him again, my new favorite thing to do is shock the hell out of him. He still has so much to learn about me. And yet I love throwing it in his face at the most random times. 

"Well to answer you question, yes I do want children and to be married to you one day." Sage kisses my head and walks out of the room. 

I smile at his silliness and turn on my phone. Oh my gosh. 20 missed calls and 10  voicemails. I don't even know that many people. How the heck do they know me? I start to listen to my voicemails and I feel my face go pale. 

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