Breakfast Part 2😈

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Over the last few weeks Sage and I barley left our new home. We would feed each other breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then have sex on every part of the house over and over again. It was magical to say the least, but it was time to get back to work and I have been locked up in my study trying to write the perfect song for my coming out party. It would be the first time I have ever sang my song in front of tons of people who would be buying my album. I have officially been signed and I can't wait for everyone to hear what I have been working so hard on.

"Pips babe are you ever going to let me hear this new master piece?" Sage asks from the doorway and I just smile. If he only knew what I had up my sleeve he would shit. I hate keeping secrets, but this one is a good one and I'm about to explode!

I make a few edits and close my book, it's finally ready. I'm so nervous yet so excited. I hope they love this song and can feel how much it means to me. Tomorrow is the big day I just hope I can keep everything in check by then.

I take out my phone and text the one person who knows what I'm up too. She has been my rock through my whole wedding and through all my craziness.


Emma hey is everything ready and in place?? I'm so nervous!!

                                        xo Pips

Yes!! Oh my gosh everything looks so perfect. I can't wait to see and hear you tomorrow. Get some rest because there is no way we are going to have bags under them eyes like we did on your wedding day!!
                   xo Emma

Yes ma'am 😚 Thanks for all you do for me.
               xo Pips

I make my way downstairs to see where Sage disappeared to and sure enough I found him in the kitchen with a bottle of champagne and I smile at the thoughtfulness that he always brings to me. Sage has been the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can't wait to start the rest of our lives together. He has been working from home and I know he's stress out after the wedding and our never leaving the house. But one more day won't kill him.

"There you are. What are we celebrating?" I giggle because obviously I know the answer. But I just love hearing him say it.

"Well you silly. What else could it be?" Sage gives me a look that I haven't quite mastered yet and I go to the fridge and get a bottle of water.

"Well I was going to hit the gym and work off some of this stress. Care to join me?" I ask trying to be serious but Sage always brings the kid out in me.

"I could think of a few other ways to work it off." He growls and picks me up by my ass and sits me on the counter. He kisses down my neck and removes my shirt.

"Sage will you ever get enough of me?" I chuckle in his ear and he hisses at me. I already know that answer as well. And he hates when I ask it.

"No Piper I will never have my fill of you. You make me crazy and in love at every point in my day. My mind is always on you and I couldn't think of a better person to be married to. You are my life now and I will NEVER.GET.MY.FILL!!!" I swallow the lump in my throat and let out the breath I was holding. When Sage gets all aggressive and alpha like my panties get wet on the spot. I try to clench my thighs but he pushes them further apart.

"Tell me little red, have you had your fill of me? Or would you like me to fill you again and again until you can remember why I fell in love with you and ask you to be my wife?" Sage whispers in my ear and I try to wrap my legs around his waist but he pushes them even further apart.


"Yes what Piper? I'm not a mind reader use your words." He commanded and I lost all my train of thought.

"Y-yes fill me please. Make me feel the love you have for me Sage. Show me just how much I mean to you." I moan out the last words and Sage pulls down my shorts and removes my ruined panties. He starts to lick up all my juices and as I throw my head back and smack the cabinet with my head. Sage growls and picks me up with my legs wrapped around his face and he never stops devouring my aching pussy.

He carries me to the dinning room and lays me on the cold kitchen table. I hiss out but then it starts to feel good on my hot quivering body. Sage was always good at finding every spot on me that made me come undone. I love every minute of it.

"Now little red I want you to scream my name and let your body tell me just how much you want and need me. How much you ache for me to be inside you. Only then will I give you what you want." Sage kisses my swollen clit and his hands finds my breasts rubbing them with so much need. I need him inside of me, but he will only give me what I want when I obey his rules. He loves when we play his little games and I have to admit it turns me on and fills me with so much excitement. 

"Please Sage. I need you inside me." I yell out his name but he wasn't satisfied just yet. He could eat my pussy for days and be perfectly happy. He loves to tease and test me until I come undone all over his face. I feel the same way when he shoves his cock down my throat so I understand his need to taste me. 

Sage pushed a finger inside me and fucked me hard and fast with his tongue. I grip the side of the table until my knuckles turned white. I was building and building but I knew Sage wouldn't stop there, he would want me to cum a million times to his once. My orgasm hit me like a freight   train and I found my way to his hair holding on for dear life. I use enough force to pull him up to me and smash my lips to his. Our kiss was anything but sweet. It was full of hunger and our tongues fought for dominance. 

"Fuckk Sage. Please fuck me." I beg while licking and nibbling his ear making my way down his neck to his collarbone. 

"Fuck little red the things you do to me. I will never be full." Sage pulls down his grey sweats and I find there to be nothing underneath. Fuck was my husband hot or what, I am the luckiest girl in the world. 

"You better find something to hold on too because I am going to be anything but gentle." I gulp nervously and and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I was more than ready for this side of Sage. He had a monster buried in him and I loved when he comes out to play. 

Sage wrapped his hand around the back of my neck to keep my head off the table and thrusted his hard cock all the way to the deepest part of me. He pulled out slowly and slammed in me again. 

"Faster Sage. Please"I moan out and he moves his hips faster then I have ever seen him move. His thrusts we're pushing me back on the table and Sage would pull me back down by my neck. It was the sexiest feeling in the world. To be dominated by your husband and live out every fantasy you have ever had. Fucking on a table is hardly a fantasy but I knew Sage would let me live out whatever I wanted and I loved him even more for that. 

"Shit little red, you feel so good wrapped around my cock." Sage hissed and started to bite my neck and licked his way to my breasts popping a nipple in and out of his mouth. He slapped my nipple making it turn red instantly. I moaned out and bucked my hips to meet his. We moved together like we was made for each other. So in sync with each others body's like our souls we're knitted together to make us whole. 

Another earth shattering orgasm hit me and this time I moved faster and faster chasing my own wave to the sounds of our body's slapping together and the noises coming out of Sage's mouth sent me over the edge. 

"Ohhh Sage.." He starts to rub my swollen nub and I cry out. It's so sensitive but Sage will make me cum one more time with him. He never let's me not cum with him, he is truly the best at making a girl fall to her knees. 

"Come on little red, one more. You know I love when you cum with me." He growls and picks me up slamming my back against the wall and holding on to the stair case so he could thrust into me like the god he is. Over and over again, I could feel my walls tighten and his cock swell. 

"Fuck I'm going to cum again Sage." I pulled him, closer to me and used his shoulders to bounce my ass up and down pushing him over the edge and cumming with me. 

"Fuck little red, you are so perfect." 

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