Wild and Free💗

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I look at Piper sitting on my lap and can't help but smile at the way she just handle herself. She was opening up in a whole new way, she would let no one walk all over her anymore. I like to think I had a little to do with it.

But I know it's all Piper, as soon as she told me what happen to her, she let her walls down. I knew that she needed time to process everything in my world, as she has been homeless and not had anything of her own. But she deserved the world, and I was the one who was going to give it to her, if she would let me.

"Piper you are such an incredible woman. So fierce and hard headed. Strong and independent. But there is a soft sweet side to you. The side where you let me in that beautiful mind of yours, the side where it's just me and you and nothing else matters." I pull Piper into a deep passionate kiss. She moans on my mouth and I slip my fingers down her pants pushing her panties to the side. I run my fingers through her wet folds and bring them back to my mouth, savoring the sweet taste of her juices.

"Sage please." She begs.

"What do you want little red?" I nuzzle my nose in the crook of her neck and kiss behind her ear.

"You" She whispers.

I lift her up but her ass, I turn around and lay her on my desk. I pull her pants and panties down while I bury my face in her sweet pussy. She grips the side of the desk so hard her knuckles turn white. She covers her mouth with both hands trying to soften her moans.

"It's okay little red, let them listen. I want the world to hear you scream my name." I continue licking and sucking her clit. I push a finger inside of her and she clenches. Her head falls back off the side of the desk and she grabs my hair to balance herself.

"Always so wet and ready for me." I lick up her hip and she bucks trying to get my mouth back on her sweet spot. "So greedy. Patience little red." I chuckle and pull her by her thighs, until her ass is right on the edge of the desk.

"I'm going to make you cum so hard that you will be begging me to stop." I rub the tip of my cock through her wet folds, waiting for her to beg me to fuck her. She needs to let her freak out, she wants to be wild and free, so that is exactly how I'm going to teach her to be.

"Sage please. Stop teasing me." She begs but it's not what I want to hear. But she's so close.

"Please what Piper? What is it you want me to do?" I push her a little further waiting for her to give in and say the words.

"Fuck me Sage. Make me scream your name." She begs and pants. Her chest is heaving up and down and she is about to explode.

"Good girl." I pushed my cock inside her hard making the desk jerk forward. I thrust harder and harder, picking up the pace and she's about to cum I pull almost all the way out.

"God damnit Sage I said to fuck me!!" She screams and I push all the way back in her feeling my heart swell at her outburst.

"You are so fucking perfect Piper." I pant and thrust hard. I rub circles on her swollen nub and she cums around my cock.

"Fuck oh my god,.. Fuck, Sage oh god." She Moans and yells, scratching the desk trying to find a grip to keep her body from shaking. I don't slow down, no I speed up and pump faster and faster building and building her up again.

"I'm not done with you yet. You better hold on because I'm about to break this fucking desk." I pull out and flip her over, I slam back in her and all I can hear is my balls slapping her ass, her moans and the cracks of the desk about to break underneath her.

"Sage please.. I can't take much more. I'm too sensitive." She begs me to stop and I thrust one last time filling her with my cum.

"Little red, little red. I told you, you would be begging me to stop." I purr in her ear and help her to her feet. Her legs were shaking and I couldn't be more proud of how she responded to me. She could have told me no or told me to fuck off. But no my little red likes it rough and she likes to be told what to do.

"Sage Michael." She hissed.

"What did I do?" I ask with a smirk on my face. I know damn well what I did. And her face does too. She blushes and turns to look at the mess we made in my office.

"Look at what you've done." Piper states and points to the papers on the floor and the desk that has a crack down the middle of it. The chair was pushed over, and It looked like it had been ransacked.

"It's fine Piper I will take care of it. The only thing that I care about right now is you. Are you okay? Did I push you to far?" I whispered realizing I may have pushed a little to hard.

"God no. I loved It. But I'm sure everyone in the waiting room didn't enjoy listening to me being fucked by their boss." She stated and I had to laugh. Piper always caring what others think. She never use to when she was homeless. But now she cares because she thinks I care.

"Listen I had Susan cancel all my meetings today, so the only person out there that heard us was her. And I own this place so I will fuck my girlfriend all over this building, if that is what I chose to do." I lift her chin and wink at her. She was so sweet and innocent I couldn't help but make her blush. It was the cutest fucking thing I have ever seen.

"Okay." She whispers and looks at her feet. She was embarrassed and it was driving me wild. I just want to bend her over and fuck her again for feeling like that. She never should feel embarrassed with me.

"Piper look at me." I say in a calm voice. She looks up at me with her bright blue puppy dog eyes. Damnit how can I be mad at her for feeling embarrassed when she looks at me like that?

"I don't ever want you to feel embarrassed with me, ever. Okay I have seen you inside and out. There is nothing and I mean nothing that I don't love about you. I just want you to love yourself as much as I love you." I brush her hair behind her ear and kiss her cheek softly.

"Sage I'm not embarrassed of you. I just don't have anything to wear out of here because you ripped my shirt in half. That's why I was looking at the floor." She pushes me to the side and points at her torn up shirt. I run a hand down my face for reading this whole situation wrong.

God does she keep me on my toes. Of course she's not embarrassed. I had her all naked on her bed and never once did she try to hide from me. That is one of the things I love most about her.

"Oh and Sage, I do love myself. You have shown me that you have to love yourself in order to love someone else. So I couldn't love you if I didn't love me first." She says and kisses my cheek. She picks up my shirt and puts it on. She opens the door and looks at me with the biggest smile on her face.

"See you at home Mr. Parker.
I'll be waiting."

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