Dinner Meeting

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I take Piper by the elbow and lead her to my car. She looked absolutely gorgeous, I hope all works out for her with Mike. I don't like the fact that she will be going to see him everyday all on her own. But what choice did I have?

"You clean up nice. I love this suit on you, it makes your blue eyes shine even brighter." She smiles up at me and kisses my cheek before stepping into my town car.

"Well thank you little red, if you behave tonight maybe I'll let you take it off of me later." I stated with a wink. I know I'm getting her all worked up, but it's keeping her mind off the nerves and that's what I was shooting for.

I slide in beside her, and Oliver my driver makes his way to the restaurant. "Would you like some champagne?" I asks popping the cork off the bottle. Tonight we will celebrate, whether Mike does as she asks or not. She has made it so far and I just want her to push forwards not fall back.

"Sure that would be nice. Thank you." She said. She looks up at me and I beg her with my eyes to tell me what she's thinking. I can read her like a book, until she just smiles and never lets her walls down. Then I can't read her at all. Which is so fucking infuriating. I wish she would just talk to me with me making her. Just open up and tell me how she feels.

"Sage I'm scared." She blurted out while covering her mouth with her hands. It was like a slap across the face. Why as she scared to tell me she was scared of the meeting?

"Piper why are you covering your mouth? Why don't you want to tell me you're scared of tonight? Baby talk to me. I feel so left out when you keep everything all bottled up." I begged and gave her the saddest puppy dog look I could muster. But It was how I felt.

"Sage I just. I-I I'm not use to having someone to confide in. It's not like I don't want to tell you, I just don't want to put anymore things on your plate right now. I know I can trust you and I love that you want to help me and know everything I'm feeling. But I try to keep it at bay while you work so much and I'm just getting use to having a job maybe if I get it." She explains and takes a big drink of her champagne.

Okay so she is keeping it all in because I work so much. And now she will be working, and we will never see each other until we go to bed. It all just hit me at once. We will be like a dating couple only we will act like a old married couple. What this can't be happening. Shit.

"We will figure it out Pips I promise. But let's make one thing clear, I don't care how much I work you are my number one concerned. Do you understand?" I put my hand on her chin and turned her face to mine. She nods her head and looks down at my other hand that is resting high on her thigh. I give her leg a squeeze and she gasp.

"Sage just promise me if Mike says something you know I wouldn't agree with, you will say something. Because you know I will be to shy to say no. I'm too excited to say no to anything right now." She asks and I completely understand. But the fact that she trust me to make these kind of decisions for her makes my head and heart swell.

"Yes, of course baby. I got your back always." I reassured her.

We pull up to the restaurant and Oliver opens our door. I look over at her and give her a sweet smile with a wink. She smiles back and I lead the way. We stop at the hostess and wait to be seen.

"Table for two?" The hostess asks while eye fucking me. I move closer to Piper and put my arm around her. I know Piper didn't notice the disrespectful girl but I did. I will not let anyone disrespect her ever.

"No we have a reservation under Smith." I said with a cold glare.

"Sage be nice." Piper slaps my arm and whispers in a hush tone.

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