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wHY hello there! didn't expect people to actually find my bOOK- uH hiya, i'm trash at remembering to update ANY of my books so these updates come out when I'm extremely bored or remember they exist... thAnks for baring with my forgetful self.

I have a mini art block sOO no art for toDay-


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it's been a few months by now, to everyone's knowledge; Grian was another normal player, heck they didn't even know if he was some kind of hybrid or something other than human. Oh how funny those facts were, but soon they'd be forgotten...

It was around noon, Xisuma had planned one of the monthly meetings and it was today. He had asked every hermit about the timing and if it was good for them, them happily saying that the time was good for them.

Though he had gotten everyone's saying to go through with the meeting, he had a small creeping suspicion that something was gonna happen. Xisuma sorta brushed it off as meeting anxiety but it was still there, even after the meeting started.

Xisuma watched as many of the hermits made their ways into the room, walking to their assigned seats and chatting with their fellow hermits. Once he saw all the hermits sitting in their spots, he finally spoke up:

"Well, hello everyone. nice to see you all..."

His friends at the table all replied to him in their own ways, all seemed a bit muffled as he looked down the table at a certain red wearing hermit, who seemed a bit anxious himself.

Fearing it might cause more panic to him, Xisuma didn't out him and just continued talking.

Halfway through the meeting, he began noticing a few minor things. it started with seeing ghost like outlines near Grian, ranging to him noticing that the flecks on Grian's face had turned to a mixture of a neon blue, minty green and a duller yellow.

Seemed like Joe had noticed him looking at the smaller hermit, leading Joe to look at him and see these small things. "Hey Grian, think you got somethin' on your face" Joe told him, putting a hand to under his eyes and running it across his face to the opposite eye.

Grian seemed... scared at this knowledge...

the red wearing hermit wiped his hand underneath his hand, nothing coming off. Everyone at the table turned to Grian when Joe spoke, all giving clear faces of confusion, watching as he seem to scramble around after his actions.

"wHat? I didn't get anything" Grian lied, tapping all of his fingers together from underneath the table. The hermits had now noticed that the ghost like outlines had started becoming more dominant and darker. 

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