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The hermits who'd witnessed the small fight Grian and the stranger had flew the unconscious kid to Stress' ice castle, laying them on a newly remade bed. False and Xisuma had decided that they would help them then ask questions, as their mask had been taken off meaning that they couldn't be able to use their full abilities.

Grian returned to the castle, leaning against the doorframe that opened into their room, thinking deeply about this kid. How did they know me? Have the watchers told the others about me

Scar tapped his shoulder, causing him to flinch a bit, "Could you give us an explanation about what just happened?" his friend asked clearly a bit upset and hurt. Grian sighed and nodded, following him into the other room where there conveniently was a few chairs and a table, he saw that the hermits who'd flown here with the stranger were sitting around the table.

Everyone heard them enter and turned to them, Grian awkwardly shuffled over and took a seat next to Xisuma, Scar taking the closet seat to where he stood. Grian lowered his head, "I don't know them" he said just so the people at the table could hear him. Doc straightened himself "but what about what happened between you two? you sent them over and you made a sword come outta nowhere! what's that about?!", the bird closed himself off; unsure. How are you supposed to tell your server-mates that 'oops you thought I was a bird, actually I'm not even a player!'?! 

Xisuma snaked his hand over to Grian's, holding then squeezing. The admin spoke next, "Grian is what we call a 'Watcher'. An entity who're assigned to servers to guide players to new updates or to help them with glitches or problems. Grian is a former Watcher as he's run off from the main watchers, rebelling from what they're supposed to do.". 

Mumbo stared blankly before talking, "I thought he was just shapeshifter-" he slapped his hand over his mouth "oops". Grian put his hands together then pointed them at him "you absolute spoon", "Wait hold up... your a shapeshifter too?" Xisuma turned and looked at his neighbour. The bird just nodded and mumbled a small 'yeah', "We're learning a lot today" Stress joked, she earned a few smirks and laughs.

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