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HOwdy y'aLl, I'm quite surprised at the amount of stars this book has! I'm glad that people enjoy my stories about minecraft as much as I do myself. Lately, my head has been hurting a lot more and my emotions are kinda just all over the place so I had to spend almost 3 days on just writing this chapter alone. Normally it takes maybe 1 or 2 hours but not this one! Anyways, the angst is coming in! this is one of the only few pieces of art that I actually like from my book. thanks for reading my trash :,D

Their here

burning is fury

keep an out, young hermit

For we are Watching


Grian and Moth got up, Moth lending their hand to their smaller watcher friend, who gladly took it and stood beside eachother. It had been so long since the mothboy had felt real friendship or been close to anyone who wasn't themselves or.... let's not dwell on that...

The two just stood there for a bit, letting the now beginning night breeze blow their hair and features. Moth began frowning, catching Grian's attention "what's up?", Mothxiety flinched "Something just feels odd... like something is gonna happen...".

The two watchers looked at eachother before an intense beeping sound came from the red wearing hermit's communicator. He picked it out of his pockets, gazing down at the frightening message.

<XisumaVoid> Grian, something is happening in the shopping district, can you and moth come quickly over here?

The two exchanged worried looks before they blasted off, small rocket bursts leaving behind them...

As they rounded to the district, the smell of ash and campfire hit them harder than it could beforehand, even with an occasional fire or campfire; it was never this intense.

Now getting a better look at the place, it wasn't normal at all....

Large flames crackled through the streets, ashes and small particles flowing through the night air. Moth covered their mouth, all of there hardwork throughout the last couple of months was now burning like it was nothing.

Grian looked around for his fellow hermits, spotting them near the water on a small wooden platform. He grabbed their friend by the shoulders and flew down to his friends, joining them on the floating platform.

"What... What happened?!" Grian managed to ask, some of his voice was now littered in small coughs due to the now closing air. TFC from the back just shrugged "I was just heading over to get some materials for my bunker when I noticed a huge fire swallowing most of our shops!", Mothxiety looked at the elder hermit with sympathy before looking over at Grian.

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