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hI I don't really like the art above but I tried :'D. aLso hOLY CRAP, thanks for voting and taking time out of your life to read my story, I means a lot to me ;w; so here is the new chapter! I actually wrote this on May 30th just so I didn't have to stress 'bout it :D This is actually the longest chapter by far! 

words: 1421

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— —

Grian had been gone for 3 hours by now, Iskall and Mumbo had planned with their bird friend to meet up to discuss things about Sahara, though that was a few minutes ago. Grian had agreed before he left the meeting so he knew, but he wasn't here...

Mumbo sat on the table, him and Iskall were both on it just playing uno (we don't question how and why they have an uno deck, just roll with it-). Iskall places their last card down, throwing their hands into the air "hA hA! I've won", Mumbo sighed, letting his cards fall out of his hands in defeat "fine...". Iskall cleaned up the cards, shuffling them form another round "sooo when is Grian gonna show up?" "I.. I don't know, maybe we should check his base?" Mumbo suggested, picking up the cards as Iskall dealt them.

Iskall stopped, placing their cards down onto the table "yeah sure! let's go then", Mumbo got up from the table, also placing his cards down; the two got the elytras on and blasted off into the sky via rockets.

Once they landed, they noticed a small opening in the floor, seemingly opened by redstone. "What in hermitcraft is this?" Iskall asked, squating close to the opening and looking down to see the pool of water. Mumbo came up beside them and looked down as well. "A secret enterance?" Mumbo mumbled (hA), he picked out his communicator and typed in the main chat:

<Mumbo> Me and iskall found a secret enterance at Grian's, anyone wanna join us in figuring out what it is?

A few hermits messaged back, saying that they'd be down for that. The two sat in the floor, waiting for the others to fly in. Once they did, one by one they fell in, hitting the semi-deep waters below.

Iskall pulled themselves out of the water, shaking themselves a bit to try and clear out some of the water. They looked into the room presented in front of them, walking into it just to see a bland room with a desk with piles of books surrounding it. 

The others recovered and entered as well, Xisuma walking to the desk and looking at the volume, looking at the galactic print on the front. "Why is this down here... why would Grian have these...?" he trailed off, looking at the books and read the sides, most were in galactic or were about different entities and different kind of players.  the most alarming and most interesting book in question was about Watchers...

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