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When you have motivation to write ;w;
(🩸Blood Warning for this chapter!🩸)


It's been a few days by now, all of the hermits haven't seen or heard from Grian in quite a while. Mumbo and Iskall had flown over head of his base but they both had not seen the red wearing hermit.

He hadn't left or died, everyone would've gotten a chat message saying so. it was like he'd disappeared from the server silently....

Scar was the first one to mention maybe going back to the secret room in the basement of Grian's base, suggesting that maybe he'd fell into it and maybe hurt his wings enough to not be able to fly out. Doc was the second hermit to mention it, backing up Scar, even if they hadn't gotten on the right side of eachother; that didn't mean he didn't care about him. After Scar and Doc's suggestions, more of the hermits followed them in, asking for Xisuma to join them so they could return to check.

Xisuma gave in on this day.

The admin recruited some of the hermits who'd been asking to return, more specifically Scar, Doc, Mumbo, Iskall, Joe, Stress, False and Cleo. While they were getting their items ready, Stress and Iskall were acting quite strange... they seemed a bit more concerned about Grian than the rest, even more than Mumbo!

Maybe they knew something we didn't...

A few minutes later, they took to the skies with their elytras, heading straight for Grian's. Their group landed near where they'd last seen the hole, it now being half covered with a broken piece of concrete. Mumbo leaned down, tugging on the concrete slab till it came into his hands.

False was the first to take the plunge this time, soon followed by the others. Once landed and pulled out of the waterpool, they looked around the more darker room.

Scar ran off towards one of the walls, slidding down to his knees as he called out "Grian!". There, in fact, was Grian sitting against the wall with his knees pressed into his chest, a hand gripping onto his hair harshly.

What was concerning was the many cuts and scrapes on that arm... most of them seemed a bit like fire burns and cuts on sharp objects, all different lengths and widths.

The rest of the group hurried over, leaning down or getting down onto their knees like Scar was doing. Grian was breathing but it was much more wild than it normally is, Scar placed both hands onto his shoulders, gripping down firmly.

One of the hermits pulled out some cotton swabs, rubbing alcohol and some bandages (we don't question why or how), passing them off to Scar. He let Joe replace his hands on his shoulders and quickly went at his arm, carefully making sure to not make the rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs hurt more than it already did. Grian let out a low hiss at the contact on the scars, not showing his face as he replaced that arm's position with the other.

"What... happened down here, Grian?!" Doc asked, semi yelling at the shapeshifter. He in turn mumbled before gaining enough courage to say "I don't know", Doc grit his teeth before looking away from him. "Grian, you do know, don't you?" Iskall asked, trying to not mimic how Doc was speaking to him, Grian in turn just said "something was down here...".

-- Before They Arrived --

Grian placed a book back, sliding a paper in between his page he left on before hand. He leaned against the desk, looking around the room in boredom. Something felt off... like something was here.... like something was watching...

Grian felt his hand snake down to his halster, grabbing onto his sword's handle. He felt the room's temperature drop quite a bit, the hybrid pulled out his sword, calling out.


Grian whipped himself around to see... one of them.. their magnificent pale purple wings, their glowing purple halo and that mask... oh that mask with their symbol engraved on the front...

"Ah Xel... it's so nice to finally see you after these few months!~" They spoke, their speech echoed loudly. Grian tensed "Get. Out." He brought his sword in front of him, placing the blade facing towards the watcher.

"So hostile! Not what I remember" They laughed afterwards, not that they were finding it funny. "I just came here... to make a deal, Hun" The watcher leaned against the desk, watching as the red wearing hermit backed up "You come back, nothing happens to them... 'kay?"

Grian jabbed his sword closer to them "never..", the watcher pulled off a petty sad frown before shrugging and laughing "Oh well, guess I'll have to do it myself ", they lunged at the smaller one, making sure his sword was tossed away.

The enity held him down, letting their hand catch a flame and held it closer to his face. they watched as he squirmed, trying to get away. They grabbed onto his arm, letting him jump up and try to run off but having the Watcher pull him towards them. The Watcher's sharp claw-like fingers deepened into Grian's skin, causing rips on his flesh to pop open.

Grian hissed, using a bit of his own magic to throw them off of him, only to be surprised when his sleeve ripped off, showing off the marks. The hybrid glared at the Watcher who'd now gotten back up, laughing hysterically. "You wanna dance, bird-boy?!" The watcher yelled, lunging back to him and throwing him up into the air then slamming him down into the ground.

Grian groaned in pain, trying to get up but stopping as he saw the watcher pick up his sword. they examined it before increasing it's enchantments, causing it's glow to become very strong and hostile. They made their way towards the hermit, stepping down onto them.

"One last chance Xelqua... join us again or we'll destroy them and this server" The watcher spoke again, pressing the sword closer to him. "No" He simply answered, he felt a sharp stab in the arm.

The watcher begun slashing at him while he protected himself with his arm, soon it was covered in both broken skin and in red blood.

The enity huffed, throwing the sword to a far corner then grabbing onto his collar, they rammed him into the floor a few more times before throwing him as well against the far wall.

"pathetic..." They glared at him, watching as he struggled to stop the bleeding, not wanting the others to find him. Grian looked up for a moment to watch the enity faze through the wall

they aren't safe....

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