📔Chapter 24: Story Time📔

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*Warning: Don't read this chapter if you are squeamish at the mention of gore.


"Rai-san. Please-" Gin's words fell to deaf ears as Mizuki continued rambling.

"WejustwenttothesheditsbackwhereiwentwithJirobeforeandwefoundalargeholeinthegroundandRyowentdownfirstandwhenhedidntanswermeiwentafterhimanditledtoanemptyroomwhereifoundthisbookonthegroundtheniranbackhere!" Mizuki's talking came to a halt as she finally ran out of air, breathing in deeply, she remained still before promptly passing out.

Gin caught her before she hit the ground. Picked her up bridal style, he looked towards Haku.

"Should we gather everyone else?" He asked.

Haku nodded.


7:00 pm.

After assembling the remaining students in the dining hall, they began to discuss their findings over dinner.

Gin glanced around briefly.

"Has anyone seen Rai-san? I thought I left her in here." He said.

"...present." A weak voice said from underneath the dining table.

After peeking underneath, everyone saw the Ultimate Comedian laying face down on the floor, stiff as a board.

"What are you doing, Mizuki?" Itsuki asked.

"...wallowing in shame...I let Ryo-san get gotted." She said, her voice muffled by the floor.

Gin sighed.

"This strange ritual of sulking is unknown to me. Does this floor happen to store your magic energy?" Chiyo asked.

"...I wish..."

"Doesn't that hurt your face? I don't see how this is necessary." Haku stated.

Mizuki finally flipped herself over so that she lay face up, but still on the ground.

"It's not necessary, dear. It's digorno. Whenever I'm stressed, nervous, scared, or even depressed, I HAVE to do or say something that I would find funny. It's the comedians oath." She explain, sitting up.

She seemingly forgot that she was under the table, causing her to hit her head on the bottom of it.

"Shit!" She hissed.

From Chiyo, a muffled snort was heard. The woodcarver turned her head away, trying to hide the fact that she laughed at Mizuki's misfortune.

This prompted Itsuki to start chuckling. Followed by Kaze, then Gin.

After the laughter died down, Haku managed to haul Mizuki out from underneath the table so that they could eat.

[A few minutes later]

"Alright. Here's what I think we should do. While we sleep tonight, we should partner up with someone of the same gender so that there's at least two to a room. That'll make it harder to take one of us at night. Sound fair?" Gin said.

No one objected.

"If anyone has to leave their room for any reason, sorry to disappoint you, but you're going to have to use the buddy system. Wake up your roommate and have them come with you." Mizuki added.

"Yes. In the morning, you wake up your roommate and we all meet down here at 7:00 for breakfast. We'll do a head count and then continue our investigation." Gin finished.

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