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Chapter 5

‘Oh, my Gosh, Rosie! You are totally flirting shamelessly with Harry Styles!’ Olivia squealed excitedly after she had checked the toilets were deserted. She leant against the bathroom sink, staring at me with her dark eyes.

‘Don’t be so dramatic, Olivia. We were just talking,’ I started to say, ruffling my hair as I eyed up my appearance in the mirror. Yep, just as I had expected, I looked like a sweaty mess. Real attractive. Where was Clarice when I needed her?

‘Oh, sure, and then you randomly decided to start sexy dancing in the middle of the club. Because that’s completely like you, I’m not blind Rosie, none of us are! Harry could barely keep his eyes off you!’ Audrey quipped in, looking at my reflection with her own, standing side by side, running a fingertip under eye for any stray eyeliner.

‘Seriously Rosie, don’t listen to these girls. Have fun! God knows it’s been a while,’ Kate said from behind a bathroom stall. I paused for a moment, spinning round to stare at the closed door.

‘What do you mean by that?’

‘I’m just saying, ever since Jake you’ve had a hard time letting go and being…loose,’ we all listened as Kate flushed the toilet, the door swinging open moments later, ‘not in a bad way, I didn’t mean that you aren’t any fun anymore…’

‘Uh huh…’ I narrowed my eyes dangerously.

‘Don’t look at me like that Ro-Ro, you know what I mean. Jake broke your heart, that takes its toll on a girl,’ she defended herself.

‘I’m not about to start dating Harry Styles!’ I said loudly, and the others rolled their eyes, but said nothing. There were a few minutes of awkward silence, as we all adjusted our appearances, until Megan turned to me.

‘We are not saying you should start dating Harry, Rosie, we know you’ve only just met the guy. But you always set the bar so high for guys that they never reach your expectations, and you both end up getting hurt.’

‘Jake cheated on me, Megan, or have you forgotten that? We were famous for barely two months, and suddenly; ‘he couldn’t handle it anymore’. That’s not my expectations ending the relationship, Megan, and I’m not going to pretend to myself that it was.’ I said hotly, turning to my tall band mate and looking up at her.

‘And he was a prick to do so, but that shouldn’t make you hate all men. Just spend some time with Harry, if you like him, or even if you think he is hot. A little innocent hot guy action never hurt anyone. Keep feelings at bay, be young and be adventurous.’ Megan said, tossing her dark hair behind her shoulders and fixing me with her gaze.

‘Don’t beat around the bush, huh Meg?’ I chuckled, but I was starting to see her point. Harry definitely found me attractive, I had seen that much in his eyes whilst he was watching me dance, but it wasn’t my personality he cared about. And right now, that seemed perfect. Megan was right, I was young, I was free, not tied down by Jake and his needs anymore, and I wanted to have fun.

‘But he’s so young!’ I sighed, suddenly remembering that he was nineteen, about a year and a half younger than me.

‘Who cares? He can be your bit of boy toy on the side!’ Megan replied, ‘besides, nineteen is not that young compared to you and from what I’ve read, that boy has gotten more ass than a pony at a fun fair.’

Well, thank you Megan, and goodnight.

‘Just be careful, Ro-Ro, it hasn’t been that long,’ Olivia suddenly said, and the four of us turned to her questioning, making her roll her eyes. ‘Don’t you guys read magazines?’

Me and Miss Jones... (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now