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Chapter 3

The club was absolutely packed by the time we arrived, with the usual storm of photographers trying to snap a glimpse of us as we clattered out of the cars in our highest heels towards the entrance. I could see the long line of people queuing to get in, but being a member of a famous girl band really did have its perks, and we walked straight in to a soundtrack of screaming fans calling out our names.

          ‘Rosie, over here!’

          ‘Oh, my god, Olivia I love you!’

          ‘Audrey look this way!’ and so on and so forth. After a few photos with the fans, we headed inside in desperate search of a drink. As much as I loved our fans, and I really did love them, they could be exhausting. Plus I originally didn’t even want to come out tonight. I could still hear my sky plus box and comfy sofa beckoning to me.

          ‘Try to smile Ro-Ro, and lighten up!’ Olivia said in my ear as we handed our coats over to the cloakroom girl, who was grinning like a Cheshire cat, before making our way into the club itself. Music pounded through my body, vibrating my very skin as I took in the surroundings. It was hard to make anything out, it was so dark, but the multi-coloured strobe lights flashing around the large room illuminated all the pulsing bodies that writhed and moved in the darkness. The song was one I didn’t recognise, but then again that wasn’t so unusual when it came to my taste in music.

          ‘Come on, the bar in the VIP section will be less packed,’ Audrey shouted over the sound, and I nodded enthusiastically in response.

          ‘I’ll buy the first round,’ Olivia called, but a familiar face appeared next to her and I smiled.

          ‘You’ll do no such thing. I invited you, you are my guests, the least I can do is buy the first round for all you lovely ladies,’ Alan said, pushing his glasses further up his face as he signalled to the barman. ‘Ladies, choose your poison, and enjoy.’

          ‘I’ll have a JD and coke please,’ I said immediately, shouting over the bar to the older looking guy taking our orders.

          ‘Nice choice,’ a deep voice said next to me, and turning around, I literally stopped in my tracks.

          ‘H-hi,’ I stammered, staring up into the face of Louis Tomlinson as he leant across the bar and ordered himself a beer before turning back to me, grinning that famous grin.

          ‘Hi yourself, Rosie right?’ I nodded, and grasped my drink off the bar. Now, I’m not a massive fan of One Direction, but I can’t deny those boys are hot. Plus, meeting any celebrity is always exciting, seeing them in the flesh rather than the telly, it’s weird.

          ‘Yeah, Rosie Jones. No need to ask who you are,’ I said, finally finding my voice, he chuckled and leant in to whisper.

          ‘Honestly, I didn’t need to ask who you were either. I don’t live under a rock, I saw X Factor last year. Nice job,’ he congratulated, and I nodded my head in acknowledgement.

          ‘Thank you. Alan mentioned you would be here,’ I said, pointing to where the Chatty Man himself was dancing with Matt Smith and someone I didn’t recognise.

          ‘Yeah, we knew he couldn’t stay away. He’s like a big kid, but he is a lot of fun. He was one of the first people we called when we landed back on English soil,’ Louis said conversationally, leaning against the bar and taking a sip of his beer.

          ‘How was America?’

          ‘Good, people still love us out there,’ he said, but the way he said it didn’t sound pretentious, it sounded…grateful. Like he was truly thankful for each fan they had. It was…humbling. It made me feel bad about being so short with our fans outside.

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