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‘Liv, what is taking you so long? Andy is going to think you are standing him up!’ I yelled down the corridor, glancing at my watch and my heart beginning to race when I saw that it was quarter past eight already. Harry would be here soon and Liv just would not stop faffing around with her hair.

          ‘Relax, we’ve been dating a year and a half, he knows I’m not gonna stand him up!’ she shouted back, and I rolled my eyes impatiently.

          ‘Just get outta here girl!’ I said, appearing at her door and tapping my foot.

          ‘What has got you so riled up? Is your secret lover coming over and you want the house to yourself?’ she said, poking her tongue out at me. She meant it hypothetically of course, there was no way she knew about Harry, how could she? But it didn’t stop tiny beads of sweat forming on my forehead in a panic.

          ‘What? No, don’t be a nut! I just wanna lounge on the sofa chilling, and I can’t do that with you clattering around in those heels!’ I said, my voice weirdly high pitched, but luckily Olivia was too busy checking her eyeliner to notice.

          ‘Ok, ok, I get it. I’m gone!’ she said, waving her hands above her head before grabbing her jacket and heading towards the front door. ‘Have a wonderful evening with Carrie and the girls!’ she said over her shoulder, referencing my love of Sex and the City re-runs.

          ‘I will! Have a nice time tonight!’ I called as I stood in the front doorway, watching her make her way down the steps and towards her car. Glancing to the right, my eyes widened as I saw Harry wandering down the pavement. Whether it was seeing him or the fact that Liv might that made my heart race, I didn’t know, but I waved my arms manically to grab his attention before pointing frantically in Liv’s direction. Luckily he understood my mad signals, and I had to smother a laugh as I watched him dive behind some bushes seconds before Liv turned in his direction. I had to pretend I was stretching when she looked to me, and a frown appearing in her forehead, though she didn’t say anything.

          Glancing once more down the pathway, she shook her head and clambered into her car, blowing me an air kiss before driving off.

          The giggles finally took over me and I was clutching the door frame when Harry bounded up the steps to stop in front of me.

          ‘That was close,’ he said breathlessly, and I could tell he had been laughing too.

          ‘Damn straight. Get inside you loon,’ I said, ushering him in and slamming the door shut.

          ‘I thought you said the coast would be clear?’ he said as he leant against the wall, staring at me with his intense eyes.

          ‘She was supposed to be gone by eight. It’s not my fault she couldn’t pick the right lipstick!’ I cried indignantly, but a grin was spreading across his face.

          ‘We should probably be more careful next time though,’ he said, suddenly turning serious.

          ‘Next time, huh? What makes you think you’re worth the risk Curls?’ I said slowly, walking towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck, leaning my head back to look up at him.

          ‘Oh, I have it on good authority that I am. After all, I’m here, aren’t I?’

          ‘Good point. You want something to drink?’ I said, unwrapping my arms and heading down into the kitchen, sensing Harry close behind me.

Me and Miss Jones... (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now