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Everything was perfect. That was all I could think as I walked slowly back to my flat after Harry had had to run off to a band meeting. We were together, he loved me, and I loved him. Nothing could go wrong.

I knew I was stupid to think that, and in the real world things went wrong all the time, but it was impossible to even consider the possibility when I was this happy.

Letting myself back into the flat, I leant against the door and sighed deeply, thinking about the amazing two days I had just had with Harry, chuckling to myself at the memory of Liv bursting in all crazy and wild, and Audrey with her excitement about a first date with Niall. Strangely, I realised I was yet to have a real first date with Harry, as an official couple. I should probably remind him of that little fact so he could start organising an amazing date worthy of all the months overdue it was. God, I was almost delirious with happiness. Now I knew how Bridget felt when Mark arrived on her doorstep in the snow, when Lizzie saw Mr Darcy walking over the moors, all brooding, only to profess his love for her. Now I knew.

I rooted through my room for my phone, all set to send Harry a text about our first date, and perhaps offer some suggestions, when I suddenly heard it ringing. Uh, that was good timing. I finally found it under a pile of dirty clothes, how it had got there I would never know, but I threw the clothes into a different pile and picked the phone up, my eyebrows creasing when I saw the caller ID.

Louis Tomlinson. Why was Louis calling me? If he was going to say he had asked another of my band mates out it was going to start getting ridiculous…before we knew it the whole two bands would be dating.

          ‘Louis, hi!’ I said chirpily, wandering around my room. I immediately stopped when all I heard were deep breaths down the phone. ‘Louis?’ I said, starting to get worried. What was happening?

          ‘Rosie…’ he finally answered, his voice breaking on the last note. Oh, shit.

          ‘Louis, what’s wrong?’ I said, hurriedly, sitting down on the edge of my bed and gripping the mattress, preparing myself for the worst. And the worst it was.

          ‘Rosie…its Harry. He’s been in an accident…’

Oh, God.

* * * *

          ‘Liv, could you drive any slower?’ I screeched as she slowed down for a red light, the third of our journey, ‘you totally could have made that!’ I turned to face my best friend with an accusatory look on my face, but Liv continued to stare stoutly ahead.

          ‘Harry was in a car accident, Ro-Ro, don’t you think we should take a little bit more care…you know, seeing as we are in a car?’ she said sarcastically, and I almost punched her right there and then.

          ‘My boyfriend is in hospital, and you care now about road safety? You are the craziest driver I have ever known!’ I shouted at her, but she refused to get angry back at me, infuriating me even more.

          ‘Well, not anymore OK? Harry is my friend, Rosie, I care about him as well. Us panicking in the hallways of the hospital isn’t going to do anything for him, so we might as well take care and get there when we get there,’ she said diplomatically as she pressed down on the accelerator and the car started to move forward. I sat back in the passenger’s seat, fuming. After Louis’ phone call, I had screamed for Liv, and she came running into my room yet again in a similar panicky mode. After I had finally spit out what had happened to Harry, she insisted I was in no fit state to drive myself and therefore she would take me to the hospital, a decision I was now deeply regretting.

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