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I wanted to apologise. I needed to speak to her, and tell her I had been a complete idiot before and that I was sorry, more sorry than I ever thought possible. These past few weeks had been unbearable, not being able to see her, to speak to her. I had been going crazy, thinking this was over. It couldn’t be over. I had put so much time and effort in being with her; I could just throw it all away.

I watched as her and the other girls stood around in a circle talking into a Dictaphone, being held by some overdressed, overly made up woman with snakeskin glasses and teased blonde hair with a star struck look on her face. The band had been incredible tonight; I couldn’t take my eyes off Rosie the whole time. It just made the whole argument seem so pointless, and I regretted what I had said the moment the words had slipped out of my mouth. I would wait until she had finished…

          ‘…anyone special in your life? Rosie?’ the woman asked as I eavesdropped, and Rosie’s eyes connected with mine. Oh, God. She had a determined look on her face that made me nervous.

          ‘Absolutely not. One hundred and fifty per cent single. I’m not wasting my time with boys anymore, they are just a hassle,’ all the girls laughed with her, but I could feel my heart dropping. I knew exactly what she was doing, she was giving me a dose of what I had put her through, and now I fully understood why she didn’t want to speak to me. It hurt. ‘To be honest, I don’t know anyone worth my time at the moment. I’m far too busy,’ she continued, not looking at me. She didn’t need to; she knew that I could hear, that was the whole point.

But I didn’t want to hear anymore. I couldn’t listen to this, and I had finally got the point. It was over between us, for good. Whatever we had had, it was finished. Slipping away without anyone seeing me, I headed out the back, towards the door that wouldn’t be crowded with screaming Ashes of Angels fans, and rushed to my car, pulling the door open and slipping inside in record time. For a moment I just sat, too stunned to even think about starting the engine.

Rosie and I were over. No, that was wrong; we couldn’t be over because we hadn’t even started anything. We had never been official; we hadn’t even been on a real date. There had been times it had felt like a date, the set up dinner, the day at the aquarium, but they had all just been happy coincidences. I hadn’t gotten up the nerve and done what I wanted to do for weeks now, which was to ask her out. I didn’t want her as my girlfriend, nothing had changed there, but I respected her enough to know that she deserved more, and I was selfish enough to hate the idea of her with anyone else.

But now that was gone. I would never get that chance again. The thought stung in my chest as I sat there before realising how cold I was. Turning the engine on, I got away as fast as I could without breaking the speed limit, finding myself outside Louis’ door without even realising that had been where I was heading.

          ‘Harry? What are you doing here? I thought- oh, I guess it didn’t go well, huh?’ Louis said as he led me into the lounge. I just shook my head and slumped down on the sofa.

          ‘I didn’t even get a chance to speak to her,’ I murmured as he passed me a beer.

          ‘Why not?’

          ‘She saw me as she was doing an interview-’

          ‘And let me guess, she said the same, if not worse, things as you did a few weeks ago?’ he asked shrewdly. I know people always thought of his as the most immature, but Louis really was the most insightful person sometimes.

          ‘I think we’re done for good, Lou,’ I said miserably, shrugging my coat off and sipping my beer.

          ‘Really? Ah, man that sucks.’

          ‘She never wants to speak to me again, I could tell when I looked in her face. She won’t forgive me this time.’

          ‘Listen, you’ve had your fights before, I’m sure-’ Louis began, but I shook my head furiously.

          ‘Nah, Lou it was different this time. I could see it in her eyes. We are done.’ I thought if I kept saying it out loud I would be able to get to grips with the idea, but it just hurt even more every time.

          ‘Well, here is what we are going to do. Invite the boys round, make sure they bring enough beer to make us hammered, watch movies and just forget about girls. They are nothing but a pain anyway,’ Louis said, hitting me on the shoulder as he jumped up and grabbed the phone.

Two hours later the whole band, and a couple of friends were crowded round Louis’ flat, throwing drinks to one another and steadily getting louder and louder, whilst I just stayed on the sofa, nursing a beer that just magically kept re-filling itself. I was dimly aware that someone kept replacing it, but I was too much a combination of drunk and depressed to be appreciative.

          ‘Cheer up mate, it’s not the end of the world,’ Ed said as he sat down beside me, his red hair all messed up and beer sloshed down his hoodie. Clearly he had had one too many as well.

          ‘Please don’t placate me. I wanna be drunk and pissed off, don’t ruin my buzz,’ I snapped, and his raised his hands in defeat. Ed had never been one to argue, he was too chilled out for that. Instead he just moved away and started talking to Liam, seeing furtive glances over in my direction every now and then. I knew they were worried about me, but they shouldn’t be. I was going to be fine. Soon enough.

There was one thing that I still had to do. Struggling into a standing position, I waited for a moment as the swaying stopped before moving away from the crowd, searching for a quiet space as I dug deep into my pockets, searching for my phone. I would regret this in the morning, I knew it, but right now I didn’t care.

          ‘Mate, what are you doing?’ Niall called out as he came out of the bathroom, seeing what was in my hand and looking at me worriedly.

          ‘Leave it, Niall,’ I warned, staring him down as he looked set to argue. Instead he just shook his head and turned away.

          ‘I didn’t see anything,’ he finally responded as he was walking away and I grinned slightly as I turned my attention back to my phone, dialling the number I can come to know so well over the past few weeks.

          ‘Hi, this is Rosie, I can’t come to the phone right now but if you leave a message I’ll get back to you!’ her chirpy voicemail made my blood boil, how could she be so happy when I was falling apart?

          ‘It’s me. Listen to me, I get it. You don’t wanna see me anymore, that’s fine. But did you have to be such a bitch about it? You never even let me apol- you know what? Whatever. I’m over it. You got your wish, you never have to see my face again. We are over, for good. It’s done.’ I snapped the phone closed and brushed the angry tears from my cheeks that had started to fall when I had been talking.

But even as I slipped the phone back into my pocket and re-joined my friends, joining in with the conversation and acting like I thought everything was going to be OK, that I was Harry Styles who could get any girl I wanted, I couldn’t help but feel like the only one I really wanted had just slipped away.

And I had let her. 

Author's Note: Hey, guys, bit of a filler chapter this one, but I just wanted to get Harry's feelings across before I start on the next bit. I'm afraid there isn't much left of our Harry and Rosie story! Only about five or so chapters! Don't cry, I shall make them goodun's I swear!

My next story is with the lovely Louis, I have posted a few chapters already so go and check it out and let me know what you think, I hope you like it! 

Dedication to @OmerHeld because of the lovely comment she left on the last chapter :) thanks sweetie! 

Ellen x

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