First Day.

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Imagine Catra as this photo but with her short hair.

Adora's Pov

I waited in line to get to the main desk of the dorm building I was staying in. Once I got to the front I told the desk lady my name and she gave me a key with my door number, 24 and my schedule. I headed up to my room and entered the room that was going to be mine for the next four years. I placed my bags on the bottom bunk. I started to unpack everything into a dresser since wardrobes aren't really my thing so I left it to my roommate, who wasn't here yet.

I then took my wash bag to the bathroom when I hear the door open and the foot steps of I assume is my roommate. I look out the bathroom door to see a shortish girl and two different coloured eyes? with a brown pixy cut, in a red plaid shirt with a black vest underneath, black ripped jeans, crocks and a blue heart necklace. I blushed a little at just looking at her until she spoke and that's when I almost died of lesbian over load.

"Hi I'm Catra" The girl said as she held her hand out I shook her hand and stated "Adora, and I hope you don't mind, but I took the bottom bunk and the dresser. " Catra nodded her head before taking her single bag to the wardrobe, she didn't even bring a back pack? "Thanks I prefer the top bunk anyway." I nodded my head and went over to the kitchenette to see what food the dorm supervisor left for us. "Hm noodles, milk, bread, and butter." I said quietly to myself before closing the fridge and opening a draw to see, "plastic forks, and knives. " I said quietly to myself again before looking into a cabinets that held, "real plates? " I questioned because we got plastic cutlery but I guess its just so no one gets hurt.

I hear a crash and a yelp come from the bathroom so I rush over to see Catra on the floor covered in my wash kit. "Hey what happened? " I asked as I held out a hand for her to grab, which she did with a bit of hesitation, I pulled her up as she answered. "I couldn't see what was on the shelf so I tried to get on the counter so I could be taller but I slipped and brought half the stuff with me. I'm sorry I made a mess. " I shook my head and started to pick my stuff up. "It's okay, but how about you use the shelf there okay, it's easier to reach. " I place my stuff on my shelf before looking over to Catra, "yeah this is better. " she says as she places her things on the lower shelf. I smile and head into the kitchenette to put in some noddles for dinner since it was 5pm I call into the bathroom as I take the noddles out of the pack. "Did you want noddles for dinner? or we have bread for toast?"

Catra came into the kitchenette and answered "just toast please. " I nodded my head and put the bread in the toaster and cooked my noddles in the pot. The toast and noodles where soon done so I brought the food over to Catra who was sat at the table. We ate in silence until my phone went off. I looked at it to see a text from Glimmer.

Glimmer = G
Adora = A

G: Hey, wanna come to my room to play video games.

A: Yeah sure, can I bring my roommate?

G: Sure, Bow is here also, you'll never guess who my roommate is.

A: Frosta?


A: She's the only person you would be happy about getting.

G: I guess

A: See ya there x

I looked over to see Catra had gotten up and climbed into her bed. I stood up and walked over to the bunk bed and climbed onto the second step to see into the bed. "Hey Catra, wanna come to my friends' dorm to play video games? " She turned over to look at me and smiled. That was probably the first time she smiled since she got here. "Yeah that would be cool." She laughed out before climbing off the bed. I grabbed my keys and controller before grabbing Catra's hand instinctfully before leaving our dorm and locking up.

I knocked on Glimmer's door and she opens it eyes wide and cheery. "Hey Adora, and your roommate? " I smiled and brought Catra into the room. "Hey I'm Catra. " Catra said as I sat down on the arm chair and pulled her onto the arm. "Bow. " Bow said as he held up his hand as he was fildled with the Xbox. "Glimmer. " Glimmer said as she chucked me a beer, I offered Catra  it before Frosta said "I'm Frosta. " Catra looked at her in a weird way, "she's like 10" she whispered into my ear, I laughed and said, "11 and she's here because she's a art prodigy. "

We soon all were playing a game with Catra ending up on my lap because she wanted to see the screen better. After 2 hrs of playing an announcement was made over the speaker saying all boys had to head to their Building and all girls had to go to their designated rooms. Catra and I headed to our dorm hand in hand agian I don't know why we did it just felt normal to me. We enter the room and I take off my jacket and shoes before heading to my dresser. "That was so much fun. " I say as I watch Catra head into the bathroom with her pjs. "Yeah it was, and thanks for not getting weird about us holding hands or me sitting on your lap... " I smile at her answering. "I was in a relationship with this guy for 3 years and it only just ended so I guess I just am normal to being close to someone still. " Catra smiled before heading into the bathroom and shutting the door. I quickly got dressed into my shorts and lesbian flag shirt then sat on my bed.

Catra soon came out and looked towards me saying something before she looked towards my shirt. "Oh I didn't, I never would of guessed that you were, " she stammered all over her words which made me giggle. "Yeah, a lot of people don't notice straight away... " I answer a little blush rising to my face. Catra smiled and grabbed something from her bag that was on the desk. "Me too. " she smiled after pulling out a rainbow pride flag with a lesbian heat in the middle. I laughed and led down on my bed. "I'ma go to sleep now Catra, because I have to wake up at 7am. " Catra nodded her head before climbing to the top. "Night then Adora. " I smiled before turning off the light, "night Catra. "

Tell me what you think I hope you guys like it, this chapter alone took 3 days to finish because of other things.

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