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Catra's Pov

Today was the day of our exams and I was so nervous, but I also didn't want to do them because I knew that when they are over and we get our results its just closer to me having to move in with my mum and Adora moving back home. I didn't want to not be living with her. I told Purfuma but told her not to tell Adora. I will do it on my own time. I looked to Adora and smiled but it faded when she was sent into a roon for her exam. I soon went in for mine and sat down.

After my first exam I got an hour before going into my next. So I went to the library and sat just scrolling through the Internet. I got a ping from my phone so I looked down and saw a text from Glimmer,

G: I see you, you are in the library.
C: Why does that matter?
G: because you stole one of my best friends and the glue of the group and now everyone hates me.
C: oh what ever Glimmer, just leave me alone.

She went quiet so I left the library and  went back to the exam building.

4hrs later.

I was back home cuddled up to Adora's pillow and wearing nothing but her shirt. I heard the door open and close then Adora came over to me. "It's over, we're done Kitten we just have to wait for our results. " I listened to her talk as she rubbed my back. "Are you worried about moving out? " she nodded so I nodded my head and pulled Adora's hand to my lips. "Yeah, I don't want to not be with you very day. " I answered still not looking at my girlfriend.

But before she could answer she got a call. "Yeah dad?, you what?! "

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