First Day.

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Adora's pov

We were up all night researching pet play and I'm honestly excited, I want to buy everything but we don't have a lot of space so we said that we'd wait to get more stuff when we finished university. I cuddled up with Catra as she looked at things she wanted to get and do. "Oh Adora I found a box of cat toys" I smiled at her enthusiasm. She bought them and then shut down the computer, "let's go to sleep" she said as she snuggled close to me. "You're so cute Kitten. " I smiled down at her and kissed her head. "I love you... " she gave a weird look "what do I call you? " I laughed and quickly googled it on my phone. "Master? Owner? Most pets don't talk when they are in pet space. " I answered which made Catra smile "how about owner when we are talking but when I'm in pet space I don't think I'll talk much. " I nodded my head and petted Catra. We soon fell asleep together.

The next morning I woke up to Catra pawing at the bed sheets, she must be in pet space. I pulled her close and petted her head. "Morning Kitten" I said with a yawn as Catra jumped off the bed and started walk on all fours to the kitchen. I got up and went into the kitchen before pouring myself some cereal and sitting down to eat. Catra jumped up on the table and gave a pleading face. "Here you go Kitten. " I said as I gave her some of my cereal on the spoon. She took it and then licked my hand before laying down on the table. I ate the rest of my cereal and then went over to my dresser to get changed. Catra tried to follow me into the bathroom meowing at me as I tried to kick her away without hurting her "Catra I need to get changed, I love you. " Catra sat down and I shut the door and got changed quickly before leaving the bathroom to see,

Catra still in pet space may I add, trying to get clothes on her half naked body. I laughed at the scene before me, and then took the shirt from Catra and then attempting to put the shirt on her however she ran away and jumped up onto the top bunk. "Catra come on you need to get dressed we've got a double study date Today! " I yelled up at her but she simply just licked her paw (hand). I climbed up onto the bed, and cornered her. She hissed at me, "Catra! " I said disappointed Catra gave a sad look. So I took the opportunity to put the shirt on her and once it was on I kissed her quickly. "Good Girl" I then climbed down and went to our desk to grab all the material that Catra needs to study and the material that I need to study.

I looked to my side to see Catra sitting on one of the steps of the ladder as she watched me. "C'mere Kitten we need to go to Glimmer's dorm" I said as I picked her up. Catra made a sad noise, so I explained to her "Catra if you are worried about being a kitten whilst at Glimmer's place, then you don't have to because they know all about BDSM and its benefits, I promise they won't think you are weird. " Catra purred into my neck as she rubbed her head on my cheek. "Good girl. " I smiled before carrying her all the way to Glimmer's dorm.

Once inside I sat down and said my hellos to the couple before pulling out my text books as we all started to study, Catra on the other hand just played with an empty bottle she found by the tv. "Aw she's so cute Adora. " Glimmer said as she was watching Catra play whilst also highlighting her key words. "Hey Glimmer why don't you two try BDSM? " I asked Glimmer which made her blush mad. "We haven't exactly finished all the steps to being in a average relationship soooo. " I nodded my head and pulled Catra close and grabbed her book for film study. "Catra, please read this chapter and you'll get a treat, okay? " Catra nodded her head and purred before going over to her space with book as she started to read "I mean Catra and I haven't done anything sexually, we just enjoy being in a pet play relationship. BDSM isn't all about sex." I said to Glimmer coming back to our earlier conversation. "Well I see what you're saying Adora, I just don't think its for, us. " Bow said as he went to the kitchen to pour himself a drink. I sighed and carried on with my studying.

Catra soon came back to me having finished her reading so I gave her a treat of a Tiny Merry Land's cookie. I mean its kinda like a cat treat. After our session was over I carried Catra to our room and placed her down were she then proceeded to stand up and grab a cereal bar from the kitchen. "Um if you were already out of pet space then why did I carry you hear?" I asked a little mad since she is kinda heavy. "I like being carried about. " was all she said. I sighed to myself not wanting to carry on the conversation before jumping onto the sofa and turning on the telly. Our favorite show was on, "Catra Steven Universe is on. " I yelled as she was in the bathroom. She soon came in and began to watch it with me as we snuggled up into eachother letting the weekend day past us by.

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