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Adora's POV.

I walked down to the post room and opened up our box to find a letter addressed to Catra from her orphanage. I quickly took it up stairs and sat on the sofa, which is where she was sat, and gave her the letter. She read the return address and looked at me worried once open she started to read it out loud

"Dear Catra Weaver

We have written this letter to let you know that your mother Shadow Weaver has reached out to us about meeting you. Now you have a right not, on the orphan child protection law, to talk to her at all through any means and we have no rights or intentions to give out your information to her. But as a family making business we would love to help you in the process of bringing you and your biological mother together. Please send us a letter back before the end of the month with you answer. Then if you provide it we will give Ms Weaver your phone number so she can contact you personally.

Ms. B. S"

Catra finished reading the letter and looked up to me a little shocked "my mother wants to meet me? " I nodded my head and answered "that's what the letter says Kitten. " Catra shook her head and stood up from the sofa. "But why now? Why when I am already an adult? " I pulled Catra back down onto the sofa and hugged her tight. "Maybe she couldn't take care of you before and now she is finally stable. " I spoke softly Catra sniffed a little so I pulled her face away so she was looking at me and said. "Kitten, how about we meet her? Learn from her the answers to your questions. " Catra smiled and nodded her head. She then grabbed my laptop and started typing out her reply.

The next day, Catra and I had made an arrangement to meet with Ms Weaver at an old cafe. We walked in hand in hand as I looked around for a woman matching the description of, red shirt and trousers and black hair. I turned to the back of the cafe to see a woman of that description and pulled Catra over. "Catra there! " I said as we made our way towards the woman, as I got closer I saw markings all over her face, she must of really been through something, Catra noticed as well as was the first to speak. "Hello are you Ms Weaver? " she questioned the woman who simply nodded hey head and said "come join us child its not every day I get to meet my daughter. " She said  to me since I was still stood up. "So Catra, my vision about you was right, you are inlove with a woman. A very beautiful one at that. "Ms Weaver smiled at Catra which made her feel more comfortable quickly.I held her hand on her lap before Catra asked. "So why did you leave me? "

Ms Weaver sighed and pointed to her face. "You were very young when my boyfriend at time did this to me. I loved you so much Catra, I tried to get us out but he kept me back so I did the best for you and hoped you would have a better life. And did you? Did you get good parents who put you through to uni. " Catra tensed but then breathed out and shook her head. "No Ms Weaver, I was never adopted out, nobody want me. So I worked hard for the orphanage and the helped me get into uni. " Ms Weaver frowned at her name and the story. "Well at least you found happiness in your beautiful girlfriend. " Catra nodded her head and looked to me smiling. "So are you living better now? " Ms Weaver nodded to the question asked by Catra, "I have my own home now and a little flower shop business that I am manager of, and I have a Cat called Swifty for short but his real name is Swift Wind. " Catra smiled as she carried on speaking to her mother. "Adora honey you must come up with Catra next weekend. " I smiled and nodded my head. "Yeah that will be great. Does Catra have any other family? " Ms Weaver frowned and touched one of her older looking scars. "My parents kicked me out when I was pregnant with Catra. You seen they are Catholics so.... " I nodded my head getting it.

We finished our conversation with Ms Weaver and headed back to the university and headed to Adam's room. I brought Catra in and sat next to my brother on the sofa "sup brother, when we are we going to see dad? " Catra sat down next to me "you two are going back home? " I nodded my head "I'm sorry I didn't tell you kitten but we promised our father, you can come with. " Catra's smile ran down her face "I don't think Im ready to meet your father. I mean what if he doesn't like me? " Adam laughed at Catra before saying "Catra don't worry he loves anyone who can make his children happy. Besides he already knows about Adora being lesbian. "

We were on are way in Adam's car as he was asleep in the back seet. Whilst Adora was driving and I was in passenger. "I really enjoyed last night Kitten. " Adora smirked as she said it. I blushed at her words and gritted through my teeth "your brother is in the back" Adora laughed and kissed my hand. "He's a sleep Kitten. " I blushed more as Adora's hand crept up my arm, "I love your body" she said which made me blush and say "I like your moans " I whispered which made Adora laugh, she then moved her hand back down to my hand and we held hands the entire ride.

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