The End

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Catra's Pov

I couldn't believe that after 6 years of being with Adora that I would be here with her and our baby Finn, they are the best parts of both of us, they had my brown hair and Adora's bluey grey eyes, "Mummy we need you! " Adora called from Finn's room which was Adora's old one, yes we still live with her dad but hey that not the end of the world, he babysits a lot and is great with Finn they seem to have a really special bond. I mean every report on how to bring up children says a constant male influence is needed so we have one.

I walk into the room per my girlfriend's request and watched as she was led on Finn's baby sofa with her shirt off and Finn laying on her belly "the nurse said skin to skin is the best way to bond. " Adora said smiling down at our baby, I smiled before joining my family and taking off my shirt, I cuddled into my girlfriend and kissed my baby's head. "They are so cute" I said as they yawned and grabbed onto Adora's boob, which made her smile, "my two Kittens... " she breathed out I kissed Adoras cheek before cuddling up to her and placing my finger into Finn's baby hand.


5 years after our little Finn was born they grew up, I and Adora got married and we spent most night together cuddling on our bed or sofa. We took Finn to the park with some of their friends I was so glad they expected Finn, that was always one of my biggest worries, Adora and I raised our baby to not expect gender until you know who you are, but I guess Finn is non binary, which is just as great as if they picked a gender. We sat on the wings whilst Finn played with their friends, I soon felt a body behind me and when I looked up I saw my wife getting ready to push me. I let her of course smiling to myself as she soon stopped it to give me a kiss. "Mum! Mumma! Don't embarrass me! " Finn yeld which made their friends laugh, "you'll do the exact same when you find love babes. " I said laughing. Finn shook their head a pulled a face of disgust at us before continuing their game.

The End.

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