Big Bro to The Rescue.

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Catra's Pov

I am mad I know that I am drunk but I am not drunk enough to hallucinate MY girlfriend kissing some one else. I didn't even really know where I was going I can't drive and Adora wanted to get drunk so we were going to talk home, I soon was pulled out of my thought by a car horn beeping at me and a man yelling. "Catra wait, stop! " It was Adam, I can't believe he found me. "What do you want Adam, your sister is the one in the wrong here. " I spat at him after I turned to look towards the trucks open window.

"Catra, my sister already explained it to me, DT really likes Adora but not in the way you like her Catra. They kissed Adora not the other way around. And also, Adora was cornered by DT in the bathroom, Double Trouble is only wanted Adora for sex and as a BDSM toy. " I couldn't believe what I was hearing I just wanted to go into pet space and forget. I hate myself for thinking she would cheat. "Ok Adam, I am so sorry. " Adam smiled and opened the passenger door for me. I climbed in and he answered. "You just need to be there for my little sister. So that's where Im taking you." He said as he passed me some water. "I thought you were twins? " Adam laughed "ha, yeah we are but I came out first. " I laughed along with him and we were soon enough back home. I thanked Adam and left to my dorm.

Once inside I saw Adora curled up into a ball on the bed with one of my shirts on. "Hey Adora, I'm sorry about earlier. " I said as I sat down and the sleeping beauty started to wake. "It wasn't your fault. " she answered between yawns. I led down next to her and cuddled close to her, "I owe your brother. " Adora laughed at my comment before laying on my chest and falling asleep. "I love you. " I said to her sleeping body before I fell asleep.

The next morning

I woke up to the smell of food being made so I got up and went towards the kitchen area of our tiny dorm and I saw Adora cooking, I quietly walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Good Morning Kitten. " Adora smiled. I kissed her cheek and whispered a good morning back, before I ran my hand under Adora's shirt, I heard her whine a little so I decided to mess with her by going all the way up her spine. Adora let out a breath when I got to the top of her back. "Catra s-stop, I might bur-rn mys-self. " they way she stuttered made me wanna do more.

Sexual warning here. Go to next bold to skip.

I quickly looked towards the eggs to see that they were done so I turned off the stove and Adora plated them and placed them on the table. Before she could sit down though I pulled her towards me so we were facing each other and I smashed my lips onto her's. She then moved away once we were out of breath to attack my neck. All the while we held hands not wanting to lose eachother. I moaned when she found my spot on my neck which prompted her to carry on in the space. "Ador-a I um g-going to f-fall." Great now I'm doing it. Adora nodded her head before picking me up and carrying me to the sofa and the quickly running to the door after putting me down to lock it.

I smiled and she ran back and jumped onto of me. I kissed her bear arms as she undid my buttons on my top. "Adora, I love you. " I said as she pulled off her vest revealing her breasts. "I love you too Catra" she said looking into my eyes we stopped for a moment just to drink eachother in before I realized that in that time Adora had unbuttoned my trousers. She when slipped her hand over my boxers and began drag rubbing me, "don't tease! " I said a little too loud. "Oh Kitten, you tease me daily. " I blushed at her remark before finding my courage and grabbing one of her breasts. I squeezed it and pulled at her nipple which made her moan. Adora then pulled off my trousers as far as she could get them without moving away from me and the took of my bra. She moved off of me and took off the rest if my trousers before taking off her own and so we were just left in our underwear.

I pulled her back to me as I sat up and she sat on my lap. I smiled at her before licking her left breast and then she stuck her fingers into my underwear I wrapped my arms around her neck. As she dug into me and I bit her shoulder so I wouldn't be to loud.

We carried on like that for a while before a I let loose onto her fingers "ah who's my good girl" Adora said as we moved away from eachother just because we were so hot and sticky. "I love you... " I breathed out Adora smiled and kissed me. I then picked her up and brought her into the bathroom where we showered together and then went to bed.

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