Results Day and Sadness.

351 26 17

Adora's Pov

I got a call from my dad before I could say anything more to Catra.

A: hi Dad
H: Adora, you have a cousin in states who want to come here, he's famous, you may of heard of him, his name is
Swift Wind.
A: what dad really, why didn't you tell me before I was related to Swift Wind of all people?!
H: I'm sorry honey but I didn't know he changed his name and ran off till America when he was 16. He looks really different now.
A: okay dad.

I looked to Catra as she, was now sat up, "you are related to one of my most favorite actors in the world?! " She said as her eyes lit up, I smiled and kissed her head. "I guess I am, we can meet him after we get our results tomorrow? " Catra pounced on me smiling and giggling "thankyou thankyou thankyou! "

The next day.

We left our room when the speakers went off saying we could go get our results. At 9am ugh! I held Catra's hand the hole way their and when she opened her letter, "all passes! " we hugged and giggled together before I opened mine and read "all passes! " we hugged again and sat on a bench to get out of the way of others who needed to line up.

Catra cuddled up to me so I took the papers and picked her up, "lets go back to the room. " I then carried Catra all the way to our room, once in there I saw a new message on my phone,

SW: hey cousin, can't wait to meet you today.
SW: just say if their is, anything you need, like money, a new car, anything really. Call me Swifty btws.

A: hey Swifty, um there is actually something you can do.
SW: name it cuz.
A: could you possibly hell me move my girlfriend's mum near to us. She is on the skeem so she can't move anywhere else until she has paid her dews.
SW: no pro cuz, here I'll send the money to your bank and you can give it to her.
A: omg thankyou Swifty.
SW: hey I want to do good with my money.

Once I put my phone down I looked to Catra, who I had previously put on the sofa, and smiled. "I can't wait to tell you... "

The next day I sent the money over to Shadow and she texted me back

S: where did this money come from?!
A: my cousin is a famous actor and he gave me money so you could get off the skeem and come live up here.
S: thankyou so much honey.
A: no problem, just don't tell Catra yet I have another sprise for her so she can't know yet.
S: alright bye darling.

Once I got off my phone I got my things from the desk and began packing. "Adora?..." I sat on down infront of the bed and placed my hand on Catra's face, "we have to be out by this weekend Kitten, I have to pack... " Catra nodded her head before kissing my hand, "promise you'll message me every day? " I nodded my head and kissed her lips "I promise " I whispered as I pulled away from her, Catra then pulled me back in and we kissed for a good 5 minutes before I pulled away for breath and started packing again.

Once I was all packed up I placed to bags next to the door I helped Catra with her's. I got a message from Swifty so I picked up Catra which made her giggle but I didn't say anything until we got to the car, "where are we going? " Catra asked as I sat her down. "It a surprise. " I said as I strapped myself in and started to drive towards my dad's house.

I pulled up into a car park in my dad's Street and brought Catra to his house, "as you know Catra this is my dad's house. But guess who's house is that? " I said as I turned her small body to face the opposite house, and there at the door stood her mother. "Mum! You live here?! But how? " Shadow laughed and kissed her daughter's head. "Your girlfriend bought me it" she said as she pointed to me Catra ran up to me and kissed me. "But how? " she asked when she pulled away "your favorite actor... " I said as I pointed to Swifty as he came down the stairs in all of his glory. "Swift Wind! " Catra fangirled as she hugged my cousin. "Hello my number one fan. " Catra hugged me again before I showed her around her house.


A little rushed but this book is almost finished and I want to write a new one.

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