Exam Studies.

380 28 14

6 weeks later

Adora's Pov

I was studying for the end of term exams when Catra sat on my lap. "Catra, my kitten I need to study. " I said as a petted her hair. Purfuma had told me that Catra was struggling but wouldn't tell me what with so I had to wait till she told me. Before I couldn't wait to leave university, but now I don't want to, I might lose Catra, her mother lives 4 hrs away from my family, I honestly don't know what to do. "Catra have you studied today? " Catra nodded and held on tighter to me. "Ok find I have been doing this for about 2 hrs now. So I'll come cuddle with you. "

We sat and cuddled for a couple of hours before a knock on our door was heard. "Adora, come on we have to study. " I heard Glimmer shout and she pound on the door I assume she's with Bow. Catra whined at me, saying with her eyes that she didn't want them here. I nodded my head before walking towards the door with Catra wrapped around me like the kitten that she is.

As I opened the door Glimmer and Bow came through with a dozen books in there hands. "Adora we need to study! " Bow shouted as he sat in the floor. "Guys we've already studied today, and our teachers have said not to over work. Besides Catra's in pet space and she's doesn't like a lot of people around. " Glimmer waved a hand up too dismiss me and Bow patted the floor. "Come on Adora just help us out then. "

Catra then jumped down a crawled towards the bathroom and shut the door. "Why is it all about Catra and her problem now? " Glimmer asked me all of a sudden. "Um Glimmer, you can't just asked someone something like that" Bow said as he looked towards his girlfriend. "Thankyou Bow" I said with a smile but Glimmer wouldn't let it go. "But you never spend time with us anymore. You just hang out at that bar for other people with those issues. " I was getting so pissed off at that point. "Wouldn't it be better for them in a place were it isn't encouraged? " that made me snap. "Get out Glimmer. " Bow looked at me shocked. "What? " she asked "I said get out, you want to make fun of someone's life style and ptsd go do it somewhere else. " Glimmer then stood up to meet my eyes. "Fine, I'll leave, but guess what, I think what you do is sick, and you are a freak for having sex with someone who acts like an animal. "

I then dud something I never ever thought I would do, I punch Glimmer, I punched her in the nose. She then ran out of the room holding her nose and Bow stood up. "I am so sorry Adora, I have no idea where this came from. " I shook my head, "it's fine Bow just go to her, I don't want yo hurt your relationship. " Bow then patted me on the back before leaving with his books.

I turned towards the bathroom to see my Kitten looking at me sadly "oh Kitten I'm sorry, she's gone now. She can't hurt you. " I then picked up Catra and she held herself up and led her head on my shoulder. "Come on Kitten lets go lie down. " I then brought Catra to the bed and led down with her led on top of me. "Is it really disgusting and freaky to be in our type of relationship. " I shook my head and kissed Catra on the nose. "Of course not as long as you are in it for the right reasons. Otherwise there wouldn't be bars and all that dedicated to it. " Catra smiled and kissed my lower neck before drifting off to sleep.

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