Restless Night

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Catra's Pov

I woke up screaming from my dream in a cold sweat as I pulled myself up. I sighed and smacked myself in the face. "Catra? " I heard Adora call from her bed below me. "Hey Adora. I'm fine go back to sleep. " I led back down and sniffled thinking about the dream. "Well it doesn't sound like your fine? " I turned around to see her on the ladder looking towards me. "I'm fine. I just need to go back to sleep so please leave me alone and sleep. " Adora nodded her head before  climbing down the ladder and getting into her bed. I sighed before trying to fall back asleep but everytime I closed my eyes all I could see was the monster in my dreams.

I didn't even realize that I stared to cry until I felt my bed dip and Adora wrap her arms around me. "Hey Catra, listen you don't have to tell me what happened, just tell me if you want me to stay here... " she whispered as she brushed my messy hair with her fingers. "Please stay... I've never not shared a bed with someone... " Adora looked at me a little confused I giggled before saying "my group home was crowded and they didn't have enough beds so we had to share. " Adora simply hummed as she pulled me close, "I have slept alone since I was 15. I was with this guy for 3 years, I stayed over at his house a lot and then he just left me when I said that I was moving here for Uni."

Adora's pov

I closed my eyes trying not to cry, "why don't we just share this bed or your bed for a while? " I nodded my head and cuddled into Catra "I like that idea. " Catra then pulled me into her and turned me around. "But I have to be big spoon" I blushed "were you the big spoon at the home? " I laughed, Catra smiled  "of course not we had double beds so we could space out a little this is a small bed so I need you to be the little spoon. " I laughed and turned the other way. "Night Catra. "

Short and sweet. Just to get the ball rolling on their relationship. I have a feeling that most of the chapters ate going to be set in their dorm but I do have a good idea for a class scene lol.

Brightmoon University (She-ra, Catradora Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now