1~ An Awkward Encounter

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[A/N:] If anyone puts spoilers in the comments may you fall into frying oil ❤️
Re-readers, please do not spoil anything for first time readers.

Of all the Outworlders. Of all the freaking Outworlders in the world. It had to be this one.

The way those dark eyes of his narrowed I knew he was thinking the same exact thing. Then he did the most strangest thing. He smiled. A deceivingly sweet smile that emphasized his round cheeks and giving him a temporary appearance of an innocent boy.

The jawline and the memories from the night two weeks ago reminded me otherwise.

"Ah, so you're the human I'm assigned to. I would say it's nice to meet you but..." he smirked and leaned forward towards me. "I believe we've met before haven't we?"

2 Weeks ago...

The rave music pounds through my skull as I jump up and down with the crowd pressing all around me. I lost my friend who'd come with me sometime. But the alcohol we both drained before reaching the rave swims through my mind, making me careless.

I'm not the only drunk. I can smell the alcohol on everyone's breaths around me and people are swinging and jumping unsteadily on their feet. Some people look so out of it that if it isn't for the crowds pressing in all around they'd be on the floor by now.

I finally begin moving through the throng of people. My eyes search, though I don't know who or what I'm searching for. Maybe my friend? Maybe someone else?

That's when I first notice the group. There are maybe about ten or so of them hanging on the outskirts of the packed crowd. Even in my drunken state I can tell exactly who they are. Or rather, what they are. The glowing Marks across their skin is a dead give away. Also the fact that one of them is freely morphing between a human and a bird further confirms my suspicions.


I giggle a little. I don't know why. Maybe it's because just earlier that day my parents had been arguing. The topic? Aliens. Outworlders. As usual. They've been arguing more about the extraterrestrials since I'm going to be living with one soon enough.

Today they were arguing on whether to send me with some sort of weapon or self-defense taser to the Sharehouse. My dad was arguing it was unnecessary and might even insult the Outworlder, jeopardizing my safety even more. My mom fired back that it was better safe than sorry.

"They're too dangerous," Mom snapped. "People need to see that!"


Another giggle works up my throat as I watch the one Outworlder transform from human back into a silver bird. Maybe a parrot? He's just having fun. They all are just having fun. Not dangerous at all.

Before I know it I'm staggering right up to the group.

The one morphing into a bird turns back into human and watches me with wide, intrigued eyes. "Can we help you?"

This Outworlder has lovely silver hair with equally silvery marks that creep up his neck and spirals across his bare hands. The long sleeve jacket and jeans he wears hides the rest of his Marks that signal he is not a human. His eyes are beautifully elongated with soft-looking eyelids that puff out a little, giving him an innocent aura. But the intensity of his dark eyes easily counter the softness.

Still. Those eyelids look like it'd be nice to touch. See if they are as fluffy as they appear.

The extraterrestrials around him part easily and let me swagger up to him. Vaguely I can tell I'm goofily smiling at him. He's smiling back with both confusion and amusement as I halt just a couple inches away.

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